Chapter 1

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Episode 1 - part 1

*Cha hyun-su's pov*

(it will remain in his pov unless i state otherwise)

August has been such a dreary month so far. I mean, what month isn't filled with dread. A dread that i have grown accustomed to and practically welcome. Here I am walking to my new apartment slowly but surely, even though I'd much rather have stayed put in my old place. Well, i guess since this is all that i can afford for now, i might as well just deal with it. It's not like I'll have to live here much longer. Well, it's not like I'm going to be living anywhere much longer. 

On my walk, I noticed a lot of signs were up, people protesting about different things. Things that if I'm honest with you, I don't care about. Why should i put effort into caring about things, when it never works out for me. No matter my intentions, things always go south so it's better to just not care in the first place. Suddenly, something goes flying past my face a strikes the sign to the right of me, narrowly missing my face. I then slowly turned in the direction that it came from in confusion.

I was met with a security guard holding a grass cutter that happens to be missing a blade.

"Oh, my goodness. That was close," he begins exasperated from almost killing me. He almost seems ingenuine, but that could be my lack of a will to live speaking.

"I don't know how that flew all the way over there. I'm sorry. This isn't my job, but they said nobody else could work on the weekend. People here think security guards are here to do everything..." he then begins to walk passed me towards where the blade had stuck into the sign. I still had not spoken a word to the man mostly due to a mix of shock and me being an introvert.

"Well, anyway... Excuse me. I haven't seen you before. What brings you here?" he begins prying. Damn... I was hoping to get out of this conversation without having to say anything.

"I moved..." i began quietly beginning to look down as to hopefully show how uncomfortable with this conversation, hoping that he would leave me alone soon. This horrendously backfires for me as he continues to pester me.

"What? You moved? I can't hear you. Can you speak louder?" he questioned.

"Uh yeah," i continued glad that he had heard me so that I didn't have to repeat myself. I quickly looked up at the man questioning me.

"Yeah? Oh!" he exclaimed as i tried to walk away from him. I really just wanted this conversation over as fast as possible. "I heard somebody was moving into Room 1410. I guess that's you. Are you living alone?" He continued pulling me back into the conversation.

"Yeah," i responded again. he looked back over at me confused.

"What did you say? I can't hear you." he questioned.

"I'm all alone," i suddenly answered hoping that it would finish up what we were talking about.

"Right," he responded nodding. Maybe I should have worded that differently. That makes me sound like a total loser, which doesn't really bother me, but that could cause me to draw peoples' concern and attention. That is not something i want.

Once i get into the building I see a few people standing around and mingling in the lobby. To avoid any further distractions from getting to my apartment, i put my hood up. That normally is a universal symbol for leave me alone. hopefully they understood that. That security guard was enough social interaction for the rest of my life. okay, so my apartment is on floor 14 room 10 so i just need to get into the elevator and get to my apartment with as little social interaction as possible. I mean... why would anyone want to talk to a loner like me. Someone who doesn't even deserve the air that he breaths. I kept my head down as i walked towards the elevator and hit the up arrow. once I heard the ding, I boarded the elevator and briefly looked up at the buttons so that I could select my floor, before looking back down.

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