Chapter 9

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Episode 5 part 1 

Hyunsu's POV

After Eunhyuck walked into the room, the grouchy old man scampered up to him.

"I'm really okay," he practically begged. I guess he really doesn't like being trapped in a room with a creep and two monsters. I don't blame him, I'm not the biggest fan of this predicament 

"I need to speak with both of you about something," Eunhyuck continued fully ignoring the man in front of him. 

"What?" the old man began, "Why are you only taking the two of them? What... about me?"

"Stop your whining, none of us want to listen to it," Junseo sighs as Eunhyuck walks away. The older man turns to us, grabbing my arm to stop me from being able to leave the room.  

"You know, he's using you two," he whispers out from his gritted teeth. 

'He probably is but I don't care. I'm useful.'

Junseo slides the man's hand off my arm , placing his hand there as he guides me out of the room. Time for that adventure he mentioned. As the door closed, I could hear thudding footsteps quickly approaching the door as the old man banged against the door.

"Hey! Hey! Let me out, too!" He cried in desperation. Junseo walked back over to the door before banging on it loudly. The cries ceased shortly afterwards. 

"Thank you my friend," he smiled before jogging to catch up with us. I smiled at Junseo because that was hilarious.

"I needed him to shut up, I hate it when people fucking whine. Especially that bitch, after how he's treated his wife I'm going to make sure he dies a long, slow, painful death," the passion in his eyes, you could feel how serious he was and I really appreciated how much he cares about people. It's something I really admire in him. When Eunhyuck began talking the two of us returned to the task at hand...surviving the apocalypse.

"It's vital the front gate be properly barricaded at all times. We also need more wooden planks and chains blocking the stairs. Monsters could get through at any moment. The same goes for where you were just now. Why do you think I took y'all's side? I'll be straightforward, you'll be taking on all the dangerous work from now on. If you don't want to, then I can't help you," he says stoned face.

"I'll do it myself, he hasn't fully transformed and will revive slower and slower each time. I won't die so I'll be the sacrificial lamb," Junseo spoke up face equally as serious as Eunhyucks. 

Placing my hand Junseo's arm I spoke up, "No, go on. What do you mean? Tell me what I have to do." 

"The guy in Room 1408. Can you bring him here?" he asks. 

"Oh, we got this," Junseo beams looking over at me my hand still on his forearm. I nod my head at him, agreeing that with him by my side we would be able to accomplish the task. As he is very skilled with weapons and his mutation, I'm confident that he will have my back throughout our journey. A crime fighting duo, one might even say. Well...maybe I shouldn't go that far since we are no superhero's and there are no real criminals here. 

On our walk we pass by the man with the scar on his face intimidating the man with glasses. Man this whole not knowing people's name thing is starting to impact me. Well, I guess I know the important name's. 

"Move it," he commands.

"I...No, you can't..." he stutters out but before he can really muster out his next coherent thought he is interrupted. 

"Open up," Eunhyuck orders. I wasn't expecting him to say that but I guess he's in charge and we should see what he's going to do.

"Are you sure this is okay?" the blue striped shirt man asks interrupting my thoughts. 

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