chapter 10

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Episode 5 continued...

When I woke up, Junseo was sitting by my side and the woman immediately stood up. Did he stay up all night? Please tell me he got some sleep at least. He's been working harder than the rest of us.

"Oh you're awake. I'm going to dress your wounds now," the woman told Sangwook sitting by him.

"I don't need any of that shit," he responded moving farther away from her while slapping her hand away. Damn man, what crawled up his ass and died this morning.

"Yes, you do," she retorted not liking his answer. "Your bleeding has stopped, but you're still injured." she continued and he stood up and limped out of the apartment.

"Is it okay to let him go like that?" she asked walking into the room that the rest of us were in.

"There's no need to worry about him. I bet he could take on a tiger by himself," the old man jokes. I wouldn't really doubt the man. He's not a monster like us but he sure seems like it with how strong and surprisingly durable he is for a human. What is he, some sort of magical impossible to kill Kdrama character or something?

"You look pretty hurt, too," she says to me as Junseo and I stand up from the ground. She grabs my arm to try and stop me from moving away like Sangwook.

"No, I'm fine," I quickly cover where my would used to be so she wouldn't see how quickly it healed.

"Move that hand. It'll get infected if you don't treat it." she reaches into her med bag to pull out some more supplies.

"I'll do it myself. Give me a bandage."

"Move that hand, pretty boy," the old man orders holding a cross bow up to my face startling me. Junseo pushes me out of the way standing in front of me with a protective arm in front of me.

"touch one hair on his head and I swear..."he starts but the old man just turns his attention back to me.

"You're turning, aren't you?" he asks. "Yu-ri, get away from him. Put that hand away! Or else I'll make sure your heart never beats again."

"Do I need to repeat myself? Harm even one hair on his head and I will pop your lungs like balloons," Junseo says as his one hand that's not holding me protectively behind him turns into a sharp metal spike. I put my hand down from covering my face as I feel the rest of my would close up. I see the fear build in the woman's eyes at my healing and Junseo's threats as he moves the crossbow away from out general direction.

"Get out of here, both of you. I wouldn't have helped you if I knew you were a monster. Get out!" he yells as Junseo turns pushing me towards the door as he continues to use himself as a human meat shield for me. I grab my stuff as the old man begins laughing. What is his problem?

"You think you're so funny," the woman scoffs at his behaviour. I see Junseo begin to relax a bit as his hand returns to in's normal flesh tone.

"I was just kidding. You don't have to leave. Why would I be scared of the two of you when I'm going to die soon, anyway?" he says continuing to laugh while lowering the cross bow.

"What?" I ask.

"Why the fuck did you do that, it wasn't funny. I would have killed you if you had even slightly moved the finger on the trigger," Junseo speaks up while looking down to make eye contact with the man while taking a few steps forward.

"Yu-ri, you stay here," he begins taking her by surprise. "You're going to the 14th floor, right? And you said there are little kids there."

"Yes, that's right," we say in unison as Junseo takes a step back realizing the man is snot going to acknowledge his comment.

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