chapter 5

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*Hyun-su's pov*

Sitting in this van, trying to distract myself, i began to scroll past random posts on the internet. People smiling, enjoying their existence, cute animals until I received a notification from one of my favorite gaming companies. 


It says that i can apply to test out the game for the new launch of its sequel. Before, i was actually looking forward to this launch, but for some reason it feels so bittersweet.  It doesn't fully carry the same emotional weight. I'm still going to apply anyway, maybe it can get me out of this gloomy situation that I live in. 


"Hyun-su, how long are you going to behave like that?" my father sighs out pulling my attention away from my phone. 

"What?" I replied void of emotion as my family continued to voice their opinion on what was going on.

"Honey," my mom speaks up, probably tired with all of the arguments that father and I have been getting ourselves into. 

"Dad, why are you ruining the mood?" my sister wines from beside me, upset that the two of us are ruining another family outing. Maybe they should stop inviting me to them if they are just going to sit here and berate me. Maybe I should just decline them.

"Then when else would I be able to talk to him? He never leaves his room. Why are you ruining your own life?" he begins to tear apart peace by peace the last bit of sanity that I have left for staying with this family. Maybe I shouldn't have been born. Them my family wouldn't have to be so ashamed of me. 

"Stop it. This is a family trip," my mother buts in trying to break up the tension. Oh don't be so fake mother, we all know you feel the same way about me that father does. 

"Hyun-su came out to join us," she continues. Maybe I am wrong, maybe she actually does want me here on this trip. 

"So what? Should I be impressed?" No dad, you don't need to be impressed. If anything, I'm just hoping i never have to go on another one of these with you ever again. 

"Oh, Shit" I responded, too angry to keep myself from voicing my opinions. 

"What?" he questioned shocked by my word choice.. 

"Huh?" my mother asked. 

"You make me sick. I'm so grateful you earn money for us just to neglect your own son," i continue to defend myself against his harsh claims.

"You little brat," my sperm donor retorts obviously feeling offended by the fact that I would ever speak up against him.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" my quote on quote sister says in my defense. That's rich coming from her. 

"Shut up, Sua. You're ashamed of me, aren't you? Are you scared you'll end up like me? I heard you talking shit with your friend," I retort releasing all of my pent up anger from all of these days of  holding back  how much i feel like I'm apart of this so called family.  

"That's..." she begins trying to defend to her shitty behaviour. 

"Hyun-su, calm down," my mother interjected trying to settle the tension. I'm not going to let her ruin this, I'm finally standing up for myself in front of these horrific people that I am forced to call my family.

"You're no different, Mom. You suggested it. Did you think I wouldn't know?" How stupid does she think I am?

"Hyun-su...I thought you were strong enough to overcome it," she explains with this sort of fake pity in her eyes. As if she wants this to end solely for her own benefit.  

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