Chapter 3

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Episode 2 - part one

*Jun-seo's pov*

I stood up, carrying the bowl of water and cloth with me. As I walked towards the sink, i heard a brief shuffling behind me. I continued walking until a quiet whimpering pulled my attention back to the figures i had left behind. Hyun-su had begun turning in his sleep, signifying a mental battle occuring in his dreams. I walked faster to my destination so that I could return to his side.

When i walked back over to him, I noticed that Jisoo had approached him in the time period that i was away. The look on her face made her appear worried, worried for a person that she not even met yet. This confused me. She had placed her free hand, that wasn't gripping her baseball bat, on his forehead.

"Why is he so cold?" She asked before looking over towards me. I was kneeling down on Hyun-su's other side.

"I don't know," i replied curtly before looking back down. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see her roll her eyes at me. I understand that her question was rhetorical, and that she was just worried, but that was the only way i knew how to respond.

A series of thuds could be heard from outside the apartment, drawing both of our attention. Jisoo was the first to react, standing up slowly and approaching the exit.

"Jisoo," I called for her, successfully gaining her attention. She turned around and looked at me, waiting for me to continue.

"Do you want me to go with you, there is safety in numbers," I explain as I stand up, brushing off my pants.

"Someone needs to take care of sleeping beauty over there," she laughs while pointing over to Hyun-su's unconscious body. Taking in what she said, she's absolutely correct, if something broke in before he wakes up, he's in big trouble. I nod at her as she leaves the apartment.

I guess it's time to sit and wait for him to wake up. Sitting down right near him with a good view of the door gives me the ability to spring into action whenever i need to. Unfortunately, that plan is cut short as my eyes slowly flutter shut as my exhaustion finally catches up with me. Maybe, I need to stop working so much.

*Hyun-su's pov*

Waking up and slowly regaining consciousness after i passed out, I was surprised to find myself back in my apartment and for the most part, clean. I felt a weight on my shoulder, as i looked over to see Junseo resting on my shoulder. This catches me off guard as i am not used to people engaging in physical contact with me like this. Normally, I walk away with at least a few cuts and bruises. I move his head onto the pillow that previously held my own, he seemed pretty tired after having to deal with everything going on. As a thank you,I will make sure that he gets time to rest after such strenuous activities. After that, I stood up approaching the window, i needed to see if anything weird was going on outside of our small world. When i open my window, I notice that the sky was an abnormal mixture of oranges and yellows even though it was the middle of the day. It should be solely blue at a time like this. An enormous flock of birds flies across the horizon line, appearing to be startled. There has to be monsters outside of the apartment building. My world isn't special enough to be the only place going through this torture.

"I'm just lucky that the world gave me someone who has helped me this long. It's just unfortunate that he has to put up with me," I say sadly while turning to face my savior. I suddenly feel something wet tough down on my lips. when I go to wipe it, I notice the thick, red liquid now on my hand. My nose is bleeding, at an incredibly alarming rate.

"Shit!" I yelled as i scrambled to clean up the mess that i was creating. I ran to the bathroom, trying to keep myself from getting blood all over the floor. I hope that I didn't wake Junseo up with how loud that was, he really looks like he could use the sleep. Turning on the faucet to wet my hand, i tried everything to get the blood to stop. Stuffing tissue up my nose, pinching the bridge, trying to get the clog out but, nothing worked. I tried cleaning my hands and the blood off of my face, no matter how redundant i knew it was.

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