Chapter 6

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Hyunsu's pov. 

"We are here," i heard Junseo say from behind me pulling me back into a stronger sense of reality. i knocked on the door only to be met with a gun pointed at me. when Mr. Han realized who I was he put down his gun. I ushered in the children before walking inside myself with Junseo holding up the rear. we were all relieved to have some time to rest after the stressful situation that is the outside world. If i thought i had anxiety going outside before than sheesh, that was nothing compared to now.

It wasn't long before we heard another knock on the door pulling our attention from our short but appreciated sense of relief. The door opens to reveal the woman from downstairs healthy yet covered in blood. There is no doubt in my mind that she turned, that is the only explanation as to how she is still alive and walking after being beaten to a pulp and then tossed around like a raggedy Anne doll. She seems harmless as of right now, maybe she's like Junseo... maybe have some hope of turning out like them. having an ounce of control once fully turned would be amazing.

"Who are you?" Mr. Han asked confused by her arrival. Oh yeah, he was here and doesn't know who she is. she walked into the apartment with a perky smile on her face, how can she look so happy after everything we went through downstairs? Either this woman is insane or has the patience of a fucking god. that Cheshire cat like grin widen even more, if possible when she spotted the two kids sitting on the sofa. Something seemed to sparkle in her eyes, something that i would always see in the other students' mothers' eyes when looking at their kids but never mine. That sense of happiness that comes just when you look at your child's face instead of a look of sheer disappointment paired with annoyance in your existence.

Needing some time alone i put down my weapon knowing their was no threat and walked over to the bathroom. I could feel the intense gaze of a pair of eyes trained on my back as i opened the door. I briefly turned my head to see what was going on to be met with a questioning pair of ember eyes staring back into mine. The concern laced in the familiar irises was very prevalent as i returned it by mouthing a quick, 'later' to him.

i stared into the mirror as my thoughts began to spiral out of control. My parents are no longer here yet their memories still haunt's all my fault that they are gone.

"It is all your fault, but you know that i can make it all better. I can give you anything that you want, anyone that you want. All you have to do is give me free rein and I will make all your dreams come true" a voice whispered to me as i looked up to meet a pair of charcoal eyes.

"Not right now you bastard," i whispered trying to not alert the others to my miniature melt down in the freaking bathroom. I quickly cleaned myself up and prepared to leave the bathroom. The voice in my head was short lived which made this significantly easier for me.

I walked out of the rest room to see everyone sitting together around the table while Jisoo noona made instant rice in the microwave. As she walked over with the steaming containers towards the table I noticed one spot left to complete the circle. It was right between Junseo hyung and Mr. Han. I'm really glad that I can sit next to hyung because the proximity would really help me right now.

"Come over and sit with us," said Mr. Han. Not wanting to delay their eating, I just agreed quickly.

"Okay," i responded dully walking over to claim my place.

"Well all dig in now," Mr. Han continued once I sat down. Wow, they really must have been waiting on me. I hope I didn't hold them up for too long.

"Let's eat," he concluded while we all picked up our utensils to begin feasting. We all began to shovel spoonful after spoonful of rice into our mouths wondering how soon we would be able to eat again and simultaneously trying to regain energy after such a long day. Suddenly the silence was interrupted by Mr. Han.

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