Chapter 2 𒊹︎ Teammates

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(^song attached above)

Sofia's POV:

I woke up to find myself in an empty bed. I checked my phone, the time was 7:30am. I groaned and rubbed my eyes. How could it be so early? I saw Wendy come out of the bathroom with a pair of denim shorts on and a life guard bathing suit under.

"Hey Sofie, I have to go open early, they called me last night at the last minute. I'm so sorry, but I promise I can come home at 1 so I will be able to hang out with you." She said grabbing her bag.

"Hm? Oh no, it's ok. Be safe and have fun." I said stretching, still in bed.

"I will! Bye!" She smiled and closed the bedroom door.

It was a Saturday so everyone was probably still asleep. I decided to eat breakfast. I ran downstairs and saw fruit loops.

"Hell yeah!" I quietly shouted to myself.

I ate my cereal then went back upstairs to change. What was I going to do today though? Maybe I would just walk around town.

I brushed my hair and teeth and then decided to get dressed since it was still early and I didn't have anywhere to go or anything to do.

I came out from the bathroom and kneeled next to my suit case, digging for a decent outfit.

"Meh, this is fine."  I thought to myself as I pulled out an outfit. I locked the bedroom door and began changing.

(Imagine the outfit without the chain on the pants and imagine ur wearing converse instead of AF1s)

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(Imagine the outfit without the chain on the pants and imagine ur wearing converse instead of AF1s)

I decided to sit on the front porch I saw a kid across the street sit on his front porch as well. He couldn't be older than 13.

He had blonde hair, a fishing cap, khakis, and a button up blue shirt. He also had a black eye. Oh Lord, it looked horrible.

I decided to walk up to him. "Hey kid, are you alright? What happened to your eye?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine. It's just that, I got hit by a baseball."

"Oh wow, that sucks, huh?" The boy nodded in response to my comment.

"Did you not catch it?" I looked at him.

He looked embarrassed and he turned red, " Not really. Uhm, it was...uh...going to fast! Yeah! It was going too fast."

Well that was obviously a lie.

"Okay..." I mumbled, dragging the ay. "Oh shit, I'm sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Sofia Scorfano, but you can call me Sofie or Sof. Whatever, honestly." I stuck my hand out for him to shake as I sat down next to him.

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