Chapter 10𒊹︎The Fair

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(play song above if u want to :D ^^)

It was about 6:30pm and I got ready to go to the fair with the sandlot boys. Instead of just throwing on wrinkled jeans and an oversized shirt with 2pac or biggie smalls on it, I actually decided to wear something decent. Nothing lazy, but not too formal either. I would still consider it a simple outfit, in all honesty.

(sorry if the quality sucks lmao)

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(sorry if the quality sucks lmao)

I showered since I was all dirty and sweaty from the game, obviously. Then I changed and finished doing other stuff. I put on a bit of makeup and put on some perfume. I always do that when going somewhere cool with friends or hanging out. Wendy walked in on me putting on mascara. "Ooh, you look cute. Who are you going to go on a date with?" She crossed her arms and leaned on the doorway. I looked at her with a "Really?" face. "Oh! Is it that Be-" "Don't even continue." "Oh...ok." "I'm going to the fair with the sandlot boys. Want to come?" "Nah, I'm good." "Aw, why not? It is honestly kind of boring without you." "Ah, I have to work again. Tiffany couldn't be there so I have to take over for her shift." "Why is Tiffany never at work?" "I don't even know. Alright, Sofie, have fun. Tell that squints kid I said 'hi'." Wendy winked and walked out of the room, leaving my jaw dropped. I knew she liked him!

I decided to leave since it was already 7:30 so I walked across to Benny's house. I knocked 3 times, patiently waiting for an answer. Benny opened the door, immediately smiling when he saw me, "Hey! Are you ready to go to the fair?" "Yep! Want to go and start walking?" "Sure." We began walking towards everyone's houses and walking with them to the fair. We all ran inside towards the ticket booth, eagerly wanting to get on a roller coaster. "Hey, guys guys guys. It's all on me tonight." Benny said. I felt bad since he had to pay for everyone so I hurried and paid before him. "9 tickets, please." I whispered to the lady. I slid her it was only $1 per person so it was very cheap and easy to get in. Benny turned to pay but frowned when he saw me already holding the tickets. "Never mind." we all began walking towards a roller coaster, then Benny whispered, "Hey, know you didn't have to do that...right? It was okay, I could've paid." "I know, but I felt bad." We all began running to line for the ride, but we were interrupted when Bertram yelled, "Aw, crap!"

"I almost forgot!" he continued, motioning for us to come over to him. "What?" Ham asked. "Chaw!" Bertram pulled out a pack of Tobacco from his pocket, "I was saving it for a good time!" "What is it?" Smalls looked around. "Big Chief! The best!" Bertram sniffed the package, gross. "Geez, Smalls. I suppose you don't even know who the Babe is either!" Ham teased, causing the other boys to laugh. Benny rolled his eyes at Ham and tried comforting Smalls by rubbing his shoulders. "It's plug, wad, chewing tobacco!" "Baccy, man." "What do you do with it?" Smalls tilted his head. Sometimes, that kid makes me lose braincells, literally.

"You're killing me, Smalls!" Ham exclaimed, reaching into the package. He put a piece in his mouth, "You chew it, of course!" "You do?" "Yes!" "Yeah, sure man. All the pros do it." "Yeah yeah. Gives you tons of energy." "Let's dip! Let's dip!" "You got it, guys!" Bertram said, handing out a piece to everyone. Looking at the spinning ride we were about to get on, then back at them, I did not think this was a smart idea. "Um...guys...I don't think we should do this." "Why not? Scared?" "No, but if you all want to walk off of that ride with throw up on your shirts like idiots, then go ahead. I'm just trying to make sure you guys don't get sick and ruin the night." "Don't worry, we will be fine! It's just a little energy booster, that's all!" "Whatever, but don't come crying to me complaining about how you guys threw up all over yourselves." "Are you sure you don't want any? Trust me, it's cool." Ham said. "No, gross. You guys have fun, I'm going on a different ride." I said walking towards the drop tower. "Wait! I love that ride!" Benny called behind me. "Finally, someone who isn't scared to get on the rides I pick." I giggled.

After waiting in the line for about 3 minutes, we were in front of the line and waiting for our turn. We looked up at the carts rose towards the sky. "That sure does look high." Benny said with a shaky voice. "Oh, that's nothing." I shrugged. Eventually, we got on the ride and buckled ourselves in the seats. "Okay, Benny...I lied. This is lowkey the scariest shit I've been on." I yelled over the wind as the carts rose in the air. Benny reached for my hand and held it. I looked at him with a "Uh..." face. He quickly put his hand back on the bars of his top buckle. I grabbed his hand and yelled, "We will be fine! Just squeeze my hand and you will feel fine! It's just a dr-AHHHHH!" I screamed as the carts zoomed to the ground, then shot back in the air again. Benny grabbed my wrist as if dragging me somewhere and squeezed it as hard as he could, screaming louder than me. I was laughing because his scream sounded like a little girl. On the last big drop, we screamed as loud as we could. "OH MY GOD MY HAIR TIE!" I screamed. My scrunchie flew off when we were dropping. When the ride stopped Benny and I stared at each other and burst into laughter.

We walked to the ride where the other boys were at and we were laughing the whole time talking about the ride. "And remember your face when you lost your hair tie?" "Yes!" "Also I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that." "What?" Benny pointed to my wrist which had a red marl from him grabbing my wrist. "Oh, pfft. It's fine." I shrugged. We both walked back to the ride and our jaws dropped at what we saw. All the sandlot boys covered in puke. Ham got of the ride and burped. I walked up to them, "What happened." "Nothing. Let's go home." Bertram rolled his eyes, "Where were you guys? You didn't throw up." "You stupid head. They weren't even on the ride with us. They went on another ride." Ham said. "Oh, right." "What ride was it?" Ham wiggled his eyebrows. "Yeah yeah! You two look awful! I know what ride it was! It was a d-" "OKAY YEAH YEAH I THINK YOU HAD TOO MUCH TOBACCO." Benny cut him off. "You guys are fucking weird. We went on drop tower." "Then why is there a mark on your wrist? Andy why are is your hair messy?" " The wind messed it up, and Benny got scared on the ride so he grabbed my wrist. You should have seen his face when the ride dropped." I laughed. "He is a bitch when it comes to rides." Ham taunted him. "Says you! You were scared of a kiddy ride last year at Disneyland!" "Key word, LAST YEAR." Ham rolled his eyes. Of course, the immature boys kept on assuming stupid stuff about the fair.

(The sandlot boys when they see Benny and Sofia looking funny^)

We all walked home and made sure the boys got home okay since they were all sick and had throw up on their shirts. "Bye Benny!" I smiled walking towards Wendy's door. "Wait!" Benny ran up to me. "I wanted to say thanks for today. It was very fun, and it would've been very boring without you." "Aw, thanks." I smiled. It was awkward and we were just standing in silence, so I gave him a hug. He was a bit shocked but just hugged back. "Um...thanks again. I really appreciate it." He pulled away and smiled. "It's no problem, really." I smiled, walking to the door. "Goodnight, Benny." "Night, Sof." He smiled as I closed the door. I walked up to Wendy's room and saw her asleep on the bed. I changed into pajamas and got in bed next to her. "Night, Wendy." "Night, Sofie." She smiled. I got comfy and closed my eyes. I couldn't stop thinking about the hug with Benny. For some weird reason, his hugs bring me comfort. Eventually, after thinking about everything that happened today, I fell asleep.

A/N: Omg finally this took a while to write. I know this chapter was very sloppy but I am very tired rn so I tried very hard to write this. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you like the next one!

-Sofia <3

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