Chapter 6𒊹︎Chocolate Chip Cookies

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(song attached above)

Sofia's POV:

I was barely starting making a chocolate chip cookies with Wendy in the kitchen. I had my hair tied up(imagine it however you want, in a ponytail, bun, etc.) and sugar all over my shirt while blasting music aloud with Wendy.

Wendy looked just like how I did, messy hair up and sugar all over her pants and shirt, also singing along with me.

"Hey can you get the flour from the pantry?" I asked, cracking the eggs into a measuring cup.

"Yeah sure." Wendy began reaching in the cabinet. She opened it, walking towards me,

"This lowkey looks like cocai-AHHHHHH!" She tripped and accidentally dropped the flour all over the floor. Some got on me cause it flew foward.

She looked up at me from the ground, "whoops..."

We both burst into laughter.

"I'm going to clean the flour off of myself, I'll be back." Wendy got up, jogging to the bathroom.

I nodded and looked over at my phone. Benny texted me 21 times but I ignored it.

He is probably just going to annoy me into telling him what's wrong. He was so clueless which was so upsetting to me.

I mean, liking a girl is one thing, but eyeing her down like she is there for your personal pleasure is something completely different.

What's even worse is that Benny wasn't the only one doing it, it was all of the sandlot kids.

I know Wendy said she didn't care, but I still felt awful because she could easily be lying to me. I am just going to believe her because I trust her. After all, she is my best friend.

She came back from the bathroom, there was still a bit of flour on her chest but I didn't care. Nobody was going to see us anyway.

Atleast, that's what I thought.

" where were we?" Wendy sighed, placing both hands on her hips.

"Now all we need is vanilla extract. Then after it's all mixed we add the chocolate chips." I read the directions for the recipe, turning to the cabinet to get the vanilla. Once I got it, I took off the cap, sniffed it, and then poured it in.

"You always do that when you make cookies, why?" Wendy giggled.

"What? Vanilla extract smells hella good."

"Whatever." Wendy smiled and rolled her eyes.

"You don't know what's good with vanilla extract. Oh, the best part is on, sing with me!" I laughed picking up the whisk, using it as a microphone.

Wendy just laughed and watched.

"I cant leave em aloneeee!!" I sang horribly on purpose by making my voice crack and not matching the beat of the song.

"Get off of the counter!" She wheezed.

"Fine...Trap bitches know what I wOAHHHHH" I accidently slipped and landed on the ground, right on my stomach.

Wendy was rolling on the ground laughing, literally. She was wheezing and slapping the floor.

"Are you not even going to make sure I'm okay?" I asked.

"Pfft. No! That shit was funny as hell!" Wendy scoffed playfully.

"I COULD'VE CRACKED MY HEAD OPEN!" I yelled getting up, trying not to laugh.

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