Chapter 9 𒊹︎Phillips vs Sandlot

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(Play song above if u want to :] )

         Words can not explain how much I wanted to beat Phillips' ass today. I got out of bed, ran downstairs, and chugged a glass orange juice. I grabbed an outfit and quickly changed into it.

(Imagine the pants are a little less baggy bc you could trip while running the bases lol)

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(Imagine the pants are a little less baggy bc you could trip while running the bases lol)

I brushed my hair and teeth and rushed out of the house, running into Benny. "Hey! Are you ready to fuck Phillips and his team up?" I waved at him. "Hell yeah I am! Let's go we are going to be late." We ran to the Phillips field and were just on time.

         We went to our positions, down and ready to start the game. "PLAY BALL!" Ham yelled, dragging the words. "Hurry up, batter. It's gonna be a short game and I gotta get home for lunch." Ham added, punching his glove. Kenny pitched and it was already one strike. "Haha! That's one!" Ham laughed. That guy got struck out and a new guy was batting. "You know, if my dog was as ugly as you, I'd shave his butt, and tell him to walk backwards." Ham said, trying to distract the batter. That guy got out. A new batter was up. Ham stuck one finger in the air, "The heater. Here it comes, I dare you." Before the batter began to swing the bat, Ham said, "Strike 3 you're out." It was true, he got out. Next batter was phillips. "Hey, is that your sister out there in left field, naked? She's naked." Ham smiled. That whole sentence caused Phillips to get distracted and get his first strike. "SHUT UP, PORTER!" He turned and yelled, making the veins in his neck pop out. "Hey, hey hey! I'm just trying to have a little friendly conversation, come on." He paused and waited for Phillips to get back in position, "Do you think she'd go out with me?"

         This was a comedy show instead of a baseball game, I swear. First batter was Ham, "Come on, show me your stuff. Let's see what you got." All the boys on Phillips team were saying things like "strike him out" or "get him out." Ham swung the bat, and they failed to get him out. The lineup was getting to the end very fast. Even Smalls got a hit, we were all pretty proud of him. The other team couldn't play for shit, they were all running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Benny was the next batter, he hit a home run. After that, we needed one more home run, and we would win, and I was the batter. I took deep breaths before swinging my bat as hard as I could. I did it! I made the home run. I got a bunch of dirty looks from the other team, but I didn't care. I was just happy that I got a home run and we beat them. 

          Benny gave me a hard high five, "Hell yeah! That's what I like to see!" "I'm just glad we pissed them off, and we won." I laughed. "Hey, how about we all go to the fair later tonight to celebrate?" Benny asked us. We all agreed and decided to meet at the fair at 8:00pm. We all walked home together and we were all excited to hang out at the fair. I walked into Wendy's house and smiled, jumping up and down, yelping with joy. I decided to start getting stuff for the fair since we planned on staying til it closed, which was 12:30am.

A/N: Heyyyyy sorry for the short chapter but I hope you liked it! Also, what are you guys gonna be for Halloween? I am going to be a frat boy with my cousin. Anyways, sorry if this chapter sucked, I wrote it at 12am and I am so tired. I've been busy with homework and school shit. But anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the next one will be out soon!

-Sofia <3

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