Chapter 14𒊹︎Face to face with the beast

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(Play song above if u wanna)

Sofia's pov:

I got up early to go to the sandlot, having known Benny's plan from last night. Wendy hadn't left for work yet since she got up earlier than usual too. I began to get dressed into an outfit.

(pretend the jeans are a little less baggy but not completely skinny bc we r gonna be RUNNING in the chapter hahahah)^^^

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(pretend the jeans are a little less baggy but not completely skinny bc we r gonna be RUNNING in the chapter hahahah)^^^

"Oh hey! What are you doing up so early?" Wendy nearly choked on her fruit loops due to me startling her by mistake. "Oh, something a do i say..." i tried to find words to describe the events that would occur in an hour or so. Wendy cocked an eyebrow and made a circular motion with her hand which meant "Yeah, yeah, continue!"

"A bit unusual." I concluded. "What does that mean?" "I don't know. Honestly, I don't even know if that's a good or bad thing, but i'm hoping it turns out good." I shrugged. I looked a bit sad. "You okay babes? You look upset." I slowly looked up at her. "Have you ever heard of the beast?" "Huh? What beast?" "No, i mean THE beast. like mr. mertle's beast." "Uh, no not really." I sighed explaining everything about the beast, and also everything that happened last night."

        "Well that Crawford guy wasn't wrong. For all we know, squints could be lying!" Wendy put her dirty bowl in the sink. "Yeah. I'm just still worried about him being hurt in general, ya know?" "I get it. I am sure he'll be fine. If you keep manifesting that he will get hurt it will happen." She patted my shoulder. "Thanks, Wendy." "It's the truth. Welp, I have to go to work. Let me know what happens today. I will be home early!" "Alright bye love you." "Love you too, bye!" and with that the front door shut.

        After 30 minutes I left to the sandlot. I met up with all the boys there. Even though Wendy had reassured me about 60 thousand times, I was petrified knowing what was about to happen. The silence was so loud, I was pretty sure everyone could hear my heart pumping at an inhumanly speed. I know it sounds corny, but I really felt like my heart was going to tear through my flesh and fall out of my chest. My hands were shaking like crazy and I felt too weak to stand. The only other sound i couldn't hear aside from everyones heavy breathing is Benny opening the box to a new pair of P.F. Flyers.

        "We can't let him do this, man." Kenny whined. As Benny began to step on the abandoned car, Smalls ran up to him. "Benny, wait!" He looked back at him. (LOOK BACK ITTTT SHE AINT NEVER DO THIS BEFORE BUT SHE GOOD AT ITTTTTT) [i am so sorry for that i had to ok back to story HAHA] "It's okay. It was my fault. You don't have to do this!" Smalls pleaded. Some of the others boys began begging him to turn back as well, but I tuned them out and only focused on the way my anxiety was killing me. I completely zoned out, trying to find anyway to get Benny to turn around. I felt and probably looked so out of it, the boys probably thought vecna was about to get me(IM SORRY I WILL STOP WITH THE JOKES OK OK).

           "Yeah I do, Smalls. I have to do this." Benny sighed. So this was it. This was the last time I might see Benny. I am going to regret not saying bye to him if he does get eaten by the beast, and the fact that i sat watched will haunt me forever. Before he began to hop the fence Smalls tapped my shoulder. "What?" I shook my head. "You've got a, uhh..." He pointed to his cheek signaling I had something on mine. I wiped my face and felt a tear. Had I been tearing up this whole time and not noticing it? I sniffled, pushing back all the sobs i've been holding in. I made up my mind on wether I want to sit and watch as one of my best friends brutally dies, or atleast give them one last goodbye before it's all over.

          I ran up to the destroyed car that Benny was standing on. He turned due to him hearing my converse hit the metal of the car. With no hesitation, no doubt, no lack of confidence, no care to wether the team was watching us or not, I quickly placed one hand on the side of his neck and the other on the side of his face, smashing my lips onto his. I heard Ham yell "HA! YOU OWE 50 BUCKS SQUINTS!" "FUCK OFF HAM!!" Squints kicked the dirt in rage since he lost a bet. This kiss was more passionate than the first one from last night, might be because it could be their last one. Benny grabbed her face with both hands pulling her away, "I'm going to be okay. I promise I'll come back to you." He smiled. That's when I let it out. I obviously didn't break down, I just let a handful of tears out. I hugged him very tightly, "You promise?" "I swear on my life." He kissed my forehead. I backed up off of the car wiping my tears with my flannel.

         Ham looked at me smirking and opended his mouth to speak "So whe-" Do not even." I cut him off. We all watched anxiously as Benny hopped over the fence. We were predicting that was the last we'd ever see of Benny, but i had a mixed feeling of wether he'd die or live. For what felt like hours, we watched, waiting for Benny to hop back over. We saw a body emerge from the dirt and dust behind the fence. There was Benny, with the slobbery, chewed up ball signed by Babe Ruth in his hand. We all cheered and screamed joyously as Benny landed on the dirt. His terrified expression stayed plastered on his face, "OH SHIT!!!" He began sprinting like the devil himself was behind him. I mean, if you ask me, I'd say that's pretty much the same thing.

          The beast hopped over the fence, chasing Benny down and out of the baseball field. Of course, the guys stood and watched. I was done with their bullshit, "LESS BEING USELESS BITCHES, MORE FOLLOWING!!! LETS GO!!!" I yelled, running after the beast, the rest of the guys sprinting behind me. Now when I tell you that this was the longest most tiring chase I've been on, I mean it. We spent a while chasing Benny and the beast through an alleyway, festival, movie theater, and the pool. I was hoping to see Wendy, but we never actually went inside.

        "SANDLOT SANDLOT LETS GO!!" Benny yelled, the beast so close behind him. We all ran to the sandlot, waiting for the 2 to run into the field. "Where is he? Does anyone see him?" Ham panted. Nobody saw him. All of a sudden, Benny and the beast appeared both running for their lives. The beast had come close enough to the point where he could rip and tear at his jersey. He groaned trying to pull himself away and push himself to run further. He hopped back over the fence where the beast originally stayed, the dog following behind him. That's when the entire fence collapsed, dust and dirt filling the air making Benny and the beast invisble.

           As the smoke cleared, I saw that the dog was trapped under the fence, clearly hurt and Benny was crouched over away from him, panting and holding his head as if he had a migraine. Smalls and I looked at each other and went to go help the dog. We tried to lift up the fence enough to the beast could get out but we were strong enough. Everyone stared at us like we were insane. "Holy shit can someone please help? He is literally being crushed by this fucking fence!" I said looking around at everyone. Nothing hurts me more than seeing an animal in pain, I do not even care. "Benny please! You gotta help us, he's hurt." Smalls begged. Benny sighed and came to help lift up the fence. The beast successfully crawled out from under the fence and we all dropped it, grunting and relaxing our arms.

        I felt a hot breath on the back of my head. I slowly turned only to be face to face with the beast. The guys looked scared, some closed their eyes, not wanting to see me die. Benny quickly got up, backing away and breathing heavily. "Oh fuck." I whimpered, staring into the dog's eyes. I tightly closed my eyes, preparing for my face to be torn open. So this is where it ends, huh?


-Sofia <3

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