Chapter 12𒊹︎Any Ideas?

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(Play song above if you want to!)

          It was 9:30 and I had to meet the sandlot kids at 10:30 so we could discuss how to get the baseball back to Smalls. I got up and walked towards my suitcase looking for clothes.

          I brushed my hair and teeth then sat down in the living room since it was still barely 9:50

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I brushed my hair and teeth then sat down in the living room since it was still barely 9:50. I decided to just scroll on my phone through different apps. Then I realized that I leave soon. For some reason, I felt sick thinking about leaving. I don't know what it was, but it must've been important. I've been here for more than 2 months, and I would leave in 4 more weeks since school would be starting soon.

I hated my school. All the kids are snobby, racist, problematic, or sexist. The only real friend I had there was Wendy, but she moved in 6th grade. I've known her since kindergarten, and we were going to be sophomores this year. My high school is the same as my old middle school, annoying kids, disgusting lunch, rude and unhelpful teachers, confusing homework, and horrible principle. I wish I could go to the same school as Wendy, she always tells me how great her new school is. I wonder what school Benny goes to. Is it shitty and exhausting, like mine? Is it amazing and actually enjoyable, like Wendy's?

I decided to think of something else since thinking of my school made me sick. Before I could think of anything else, I realized it was 10:20 and I jumped off of the couch. I locked the door, went outside, and ran to Benny's porch. Before I could knock, the door swung open. "Hey, fancy seeing you here." I smiled. "Hi." He said. "You're running late too?" I tilted my head. "Yeah. Come on, let's go." He signaled to run to the sandlot. We barely got there just in time. Most of the boys were there, except for 2 or 3. Once everyone was there, we all just sat there. I guess nobody knew what to say or what to do.

Then, out of nowhere, Smalls shoots his head up, "Hey! I got it! Why don't we just go over, and knock on the door, and ask Mr. Mertle if he can go get it for us?" "Are you out if your mind? Mr. Mertle is the meanest old man that ever lived. He's the one that made the beast eat that kid. It's not an option, Smalls. Forget about it!" Squints pushed back his glasses. "Okay, I'm sorry. I-I will." He looked down. "Lets just look out the window." Squints rolled his eyes. "Yeah." Everyone agreed then got up to the window that faced the backyard.

We looked at all of the creepy, old junk in the backyard. All of a sudden, we heard a snarl from the beast, and a ball rolled out of his dog house. We all jumped back and went back to where we were originally sitting down. "He's daring us!" Timmy said, pointing his baseball bat towards the window. "We're on his territory now." Ham sighed. "Anybody get any bright ideas?" Benny asked. "Obviously not." I leaned back in my seat, then continued, "I mean, if we can't even get the ball ourselves by just simply going over the fence, then how else are we going to get it?"

After we'd all thought about it real hard, we had absolutely no idea what the hell we were gonna do. So things started primitively. First, we had taken a long stick from Timmy and Tommy's backyard. We had squints go to the top and watch over the fence. Then we had broken off a piece of wood from the fence, leaving us a space to pull the ball with the stick and grab it. Ham listened to Squints directions so we could successfully get the ball. "Just a little bit farther." Squints whisper-yelled to us. I couldn't help but to whisper "That's what she said" to Benny. He quietly chuckled and shook his head, "Dummy." All of a sudden, we heard a stomp on top of the stick, then everyone was screaming.

Ham tried pulling the stick backwards but he was getting dragged forward. Benny tried pulled him back. Squints wasn't even helping, he was just screaming. He heard a loud snap, then Benny and Ham toppled backwards, on top of me. "Uh, ouch?" I winced, rubbing my lower back. They both got up and started screaming more. The beast had torn off more than half of the stick, leaving it ripped and slobbery. I wasn't even scared at this point, just really shocked and grossed out.

Next, Ham suggested we use a pot. A fucking cooking pot I tell you. We almost had the ball, but the beast had gotten it again. I think my life flashed before my eyes, because the stick had gotten snatched right in front of me. Now we were all screaming. The metal stick and the pot had been crinkled and crushed together, and thrown over the fence again. What the hell were we gonna do now? "I think we've seriously underestimated the beast." Timmy said, staring at the broken metal. "You think?" I looked up at him, then back at the broken pile of metal. They all nodded and continued to have their eyes on the pot. "Obviously we're dealing with the superior intelligence." Squints scrunched his nose, then pushed his glasses up.

At this point, I was half-asleep not even paying attention to what the fuck these 11 year old kids were doing. Smalls got this suction cup thing to attract the ball and to quickly bring it back to us. All I knew about the situation was that I was supposed to be helping slide a metal pipe towards the ball. We had got the ball attached to the suction cup after getting shoved into each other about 3 times. We began to pull it up but the beast immediately went to bite it, making the ball drop from the machine. The pipe to let the air flow was pinched shut, so the place was gonna blow. "I don't know about you guys but I'm getting the heck out of here!" Bertram began rushing down the latter. All of us stopped and tried to find ways to run out of the tree house. All of the other exits were blocked, so the rest of the guys just started jumping off of the edge since it wasn't that high. I jumped off of the railing and rushed to the other side of the yard. I checked to see where everyone was but we were missing one person. Smoke burst out from the windows of the tree house after a big "boom" sound. "Where is Timmy?" I asked seeing everyone else laying on the ground. I turned around after hearing footsteps from the treehouse. Timmy came down the stairs completely covered with dust on him.

He shook the dust out of his hair and turned to look at the now blown-up tree house. "We've been going about this all wrong. I blame myself. We need total surprise. An airborne attack, the beast will never expect it." We all nodded. Timmy just sighed and slowly walked towards his home to probably shower and get the dust off of him. This next idea was smart, but it was the stupidest shit I have ever encountered. We had yeah-yeah hanging on a bed thing on a rope so we could lower him over the fence quietly and get the ball. We slowly lowered him and let him pick up the ball. All of a sudden, Squints yelled, "PULL HIM UP! HURRY!" The beast was right in front of him. Of course, Yeah-yeah's dumbass just had to drop the ball as he was basically flying through the air while shitting bricks all at the same time. I can't blame him though, I'd be pissing myself too.

We had one last chance to get this ball back. Smalls brought this catapult thing to launch the ball over the fence so we could catch it. It worked, it was coming to us! This actually woke me up because I was losing my mind over this ball. "I GOT IT!" Benny yelled three times while putting his glove in the air. My heart dropped when the beast jumped up catching it. Everyone's eyes went wide and jaws dropped. The machine had flew up in the air looking broken and crashed to the ground. Once again, everyone started screaming. I wasn't even surprised so I gave no reaction. This dog was bat man or something, he just had to be. There was no beating this dog, and we all knew it.

Smalls slowly walked away from us. We were truly sorry we couldn't help him. He was dead meat. I really hope his dad doesn't take it so rough on him, the poor thing didn't know.

A/N: AAAAAA I FINALLY FINISHED THIS CHAPTER. 1.5k words bro. I am so sorry i havent uploaded in a while, I was having a LOT of writers block and I was just not having it if yk what i mean. Anyways, I promise new chapters will be coming out eventually.

-Sofia <3

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