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Kakashi stood in the middle of the collateral damage he had left in the middle of the bandits they had been watching.  As soon as they had disappeared from sight, he had started down to the camp of criminals.  His anger and rage had been at such a level he had turned to focus it on the gang that had almost killed Sarah rather than chase her and Yamato down and create an even bigger mess than had already happened.  He let out a long pent-up breath as he looked about at the bodies strewn about.  He was almost teleported back to when he was just a kid and called Cold Blooded Kakashi.  It had been a very long time since he had been in this much of a rage.  

Over and over again he went over in his mind what he could have said to have triggered her.  How did he go so wrong... then it hit him.  At the time, when she had kissed Yamato - it made him angry every time he saw it again in his mind - he had been so angry and upset he had not paid attention to what she had actually said completely.  He had heard the words but his mind was so enraged they didn't register. 

Her words once more came fluttering back in his mind, "If you're going to ask questions like that, Sukea, then take the fucking mask off and do it as yourself!"  She KNEW!  He closed his eyes, how long had she known?  When did she figure it out?  He lowered his head and raked his fingers through his hair.  Fuck.  With her insecurities he could well imagine how she had perceived that, knowing who he was and being offered a relationship with a false persona rather than himself.  Now that he thought about it, it was a rather idiotic notion.  What the hell had he been thinking?  Why did that ever seem like a good idea?

He felt almost sick.  He had wanted to protect her and not taint her.  He had done just that.  He was really bad at pursuing a woman.  He didn't even know what the hell he was doing.  His normally very astute and sharp mind had gone to hell ever since he had met her.  She had confused him, angered him, made him laugh like he never had laughed before, charmed him, made him almost crazy with lust... He had been obsessed to the point where he scared himself - didn't recognize himself.  When he had watched the pillar being hit by the ball of fire, horror unlike anything he had ever felt had gone through him.  In his mind, he had seen both the present and the moment she had died when she had first arrived in their world.

"Take care of Kakashi for me..." her dying words.

His heart hurt as the image of her kissing Yamato went through his mind and he rubbed his chest absently as he continued back to the village slowly.  That had been painful...  He stopped walking in realization.  He was in love with her.

"Come on Yamato, let's go have that date we haven't had and possibly a little fun after..."

Kakashi cursed then started running full steam back the rest of the way.  If that happened, he would lose her forever.  Damn his idiocy!  He should have taken Iruka's advice and just simply asked her out.  They had at least an hour on him.  A lot could happen in an hour.  He ripped the wig off his head, plucked the contacts from his eyes, and started pulling off the covering to his scar on his eye.  He shoved the wig and contacts into his pack then got a rag, dousing it in water and hastily wiping the makeup off his face as he ran with his heart in his throat.  He donned his mask last and tossed off the outer jacket he wore as Sukea, letting it fall to the ground as he left it behind.

Yamato narrowed his eyes slightly as he thought he saw a flash of silver hair in the distance.  He had been growing angrier the longer he had waited for Sarah to finish up inside.  He could not make sense of his friend's actions and could not excuse them.  He'd be damned if he let him anywhere near her again.  He was almost certain Kakashi had lost his mind.  What could he have possibly been thinking?  He shifted his gaze around.  This was not the most ideal spot for the kind of fight he was about to have with Kakashi.  The press would be all over it in seconds and what a spectacle that would be.  He didn't give a damn, he wanted to beat his ass.  He had played nice for Kakashi, but he obviously didn't deserve that kindness.  He should have just claimed her when he had wanted to.

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