Restoration of the Uchiha

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Neo was trying really hard to not lose her shit.  She really was because she knew it was the hormones but as she looked at the way the paint in the upper corner looked in the baby's room, it looked so bad she wanted to just scream.  She'd never make it through the pregnancy if it remained that way.  Every time she would come into the room, she would see the defect and go bat shit crazy!

"It really doesn't look that bad," Max said next to her.  "The paint just went a little on the border.  It's no big deal and honestly, I wouldn't have even noticed if you hadn't pointed it out."

"I'm going to notice every time I look at it!" Neo said in frustration.  "I can't stand that; I just won't be able to stand it."

"You seriously need to chill out," Max laughed.  "Those hormones of yours are something else.  I'm glad I'm never going to be pregnant the way you're going."

Neo gave her a dark look then grabbed a stepladder from the corner.  She was not going to ask Itachi to fix it.  She had henpecked him enough lately that she was surprised they were still on speaking terms.  He had a lot of patience, but she knew it had to be at the breaking point.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to touch up that spot or go insane," she announced while going into the next room after the can of paint that had been used on the border.

"You're supposed to be helping me pick out what dresses everyone should wear," Max said as she chased after her, "not be acting like Bob the Builder.  Let Itachi touch it up later.  I don't think you should be messing around-"

Neo brushed past her with the can of paint and a paintbrush.  Max did not have a good feeling about this in the least.  It was almost two months after Melissa's wedding and Neo at six months looked like she was about ready to pop.  She was decidedly lopsided as she had always been skinny as a reed and pregnancy hadn't changed that, it just gave her a very large belly that put her off balance.

Max had set her wedding out a bit for two reasons.  One, she wanted to give everyone a breathier in between her and Melissa's wedding.  Two, because she wanted to take the time to fully plan it out the way she wanted it exactly - none of this rushing around business.  It was really just the last little details she needed help deciding on.  

When Neo put a foot on the first step on the small stepladder she moved forward quickly, "Here let me do it at least."

"No," Neo growled.  "I don't trust anyone to do it right after the first screw up."

Max covered her face with her hand.  Neo with hormones was almost too much for even her and they'd been friends forever.  She moved around behind her since she was being stubborn with the full intent of catching her if she fell over.  She had to wonder how Itachi hadn't lost his shit with her already.  She had a feeling he would be losing that said shit if he saw what she was bout at that moment.

"Explain to me again why you haven't been going in for your checkups with the doctors again?"

"I told you, Itachi and I don't think it's necessary.  I'm eating like a horse; the baby is obviously growing good - I mean look at this roundness.  And... we want to be surprised by whether it's a boy or a girl. Which is why we've painted the room in the Uchiha colors."

The room was striking with the black, red, and white colors.  Neo had painted the Uchiha mural over the crib even.  It took only a few minutes for Neo to fix the spot to her satisfaction and she handed the paint and brush back down to her.

Max moved away for just a second to put them down to the side when Neo's foot missed the step and she weaved precariously.  "Fuck," Max said as she started falling to the side.  She dove for her and barely got beneath her as she crashed into her, taking them both to the ground.  Neo made a sound of pain and Max freaked out as she sat up, pushing her hair out of her face to look at her.

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