From the Ashes

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Itachi ducked as a book of monk prayers came flying at his head.  His eyes widened as he looked a Neo, clearly not expecting his wife who was in the middle of having contractions to get violent with him.  It wasn't his fault that the doctor said she was nowhere near ready to deliver the twins.  The news that Klaudia had already given birth to a baby girl while Neo was told that her dilation was still in the early stages had sent her into a spin.  She wanted those babies out and she wanted them out NOW.  He had momentarily stepped out down the hall to see the baby, whom they had named Luna Victoria, and congratulate Hidan.  He had been shocked to see the other man in tears as he held his daughter.  When he had walked back into the room the book had come flying at him.

"What the hell, Itachi?!" Neo howled at him.  "How could you leave me at a time like this?"

"Neo..." he growled low in his throat, "I accept that you are in a lot of pain right now..."

"You accept?!" she snapped, which he tried his best to ignore.  Her eyes were moving around the room, as if she was looking for something else to throw.

"However, you need to simmer down.  That can't be good for you or the babies," Itachi responded.  "I went to see Klaudia and Hidan's baby girl.  They named her Luna Victoria."

Neo's eyes turned moist as the anger flared away and she bit her lower lip.  "Is she as beautiful as I think she is?  Oh... I wish I could see her too...." she then groaned as another contraction hit.  "Why... why... why... are they coming so early?  I'm not ready!  I was supposed to have almost a month more to get ready mentally."

Itachi went to her side, took the rag out of the bowl and wrung it out before wiping her face down.  "Our children have a mind of their own.  They're Uchiha, they must have felt they were ready to come.  As to your other question, yes, Luna is a very pretty baby.  I have an inkling that when she is older, she is going to be the reigning beauty... unless we also have a girl."

Neo chuckled once the contraction passed, "A bit biased already, are we?"

"Our children will be Uchiha, that will make them exceptional," he stated matter of fact as he smoothed her hair out of her face and stared into her eyes, a slight smile that was almost unnoticeable on his face.

She poked him with a laugh, "Oh, I'd expect Sasuke to say that but not you...." she moaned slightly as another contraction rippled.  "Tell me... what does she look like?"

Itachi tilted his head to the side as he dipped the cloth back into the bowl and wrung out the excess water.  "She has darker skin and hair like Klaudia... but I think her eyes will be violet like Hidan's... it's blue now like all babies but... I just got a feeling."

Neo smiled at the image in her mind, "Oh she will be beautiful then..."  she gasped as pain much greater than before went through her. "Itachi... something isn't right..."

His eyes shifted from brown to red in a second as he looked at her.  He then noticed blood staining the white cloth on the bed.  "I'm getting Sakura," he stated in a very calm voice, but he was not feeling calm inside.  Neo was right, something was very wrong.  The minute he was out of her sight he quickened his pace.  It took him a moment, but he found Sakura as she was leaving Klaudia's room.  He grabbed her by the arm, "Please come, something is going wrong with Neo."

Sakura did not hesitate but quickly went down the hallway.  She motioned to two others as she went who followed without question.  Itachi instantly took himself back to Neo's side.  She was curled tightly up into a fetal position, holding her stomach while tears of pain and fear rolled over her cheeks.

"I'm sorry," he told her as he smoothed her hair back from her face.  "Sakura's coming."

Itachi could not miss that there was more blood than when he had left.  He shifted his eyes up as Sakura and the two she had motioned to follow as they came into the room.  Sakura gave Neo a smile meant to reassure, "I'm here now, Neo, so everything will be okay."  She placed her hands on her stomach, probing her with her Chakra.  "Oh... I see...."  Sakura met Neo's eyes, "One of the placentas has pulled away and that is what is causing the bleeding.  We're going to have to do a c-section, Neo, or we could lose one of the twins."

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