Weeb Sisters

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Sarah Hatake eyed her best friend and roommate, Melissa Wright, from the corner of her eye as she got situated in her seat on the plane.  She had been muttering since they got to the airport about having to be on another plane so soon after their first jump from the mainland to Japan just a few days before.  They had not counted on the Naruto Village being so far from Tokyo when they had planned their itinerary for the group of women.  It was really a failure on their part for not doing the research more carefully.  As the "Elders" of their group, they should have thought about that, but Japan seemed so much smaller than the United States that they just assumed it would only take a few hours to get to one point to the next.  Boy were they wrong!  It would have been at least 8 hours by train, which was how they had originally planned to go there.  Instead, it cost just a little bit more to get a plane ticket for the short jump and be there in under an hour.

"Why are you grumbling so much?" Sarah laughed softly.  "We'll probably only be thirty minutes in the air."

"For one, this plane is fucking small as hell!  Second, I still haven't got over the first flight over here and now here I am again!"

Sarah gave her a sympathetic look, noticing the almost strained expression at the corner of her blue-green eyes.  "Is your back hurting again?"

Melissa was a nurse and her back had taken quite a hit through the years from lifting patients that were two to three times her size.  She was very petite and tiny overall, except for her breasts which were exceptionally large.  So much so that Sarah suspected that didn't help with the back pain she would experience from time to time.  In truth, Melissa had been working hard manual jobs her entire life and her back had taken the blunt of the impact through the years.

"It'll be fine," Melissa muttered as she finally found a position that was comfortable.

Sarah gave a nod of her head and peered across the aisle to where their friends, Klaudia Jasar and Anabel Martinez were sitting.  Klaudia had flown in from Austria and Anabel had come in from El Paso.  Klaudia was thirty and had jokingly said she was the middle child of the group as she had an almost ten-year gap between the Elders and the "Youngins".  Anabel was the next oldest in line and had a maturity about her that made her seem older but in truth she was not that much older than the "Youngins".  However, she shared the "middle child" personality with Klaudia, and they were both lumped together as such in the group.  Both had an innate ability to calm any volatile situation that might come up with just a few soft-spoken words.  Klaudia was a psychic, a damn good one in fact, and had a thriving business in her community.  She was often called in by various police departments because in addition to having the psychic gift she was able to communicate with the dead.  Many cases had been solved because of her abilities.  Anabel was a professional gymnast and Cosplayer.  She had been in a dozen or more movies through the years as a stunt double, although no one knew that except those she let into her world.  She had done a lot of travelling through the years but had refused to move to Hollywood or elsewhere because she loved her hometown of El Paso.

Behind her, she could hear two of the "Youngins" chattering with each other.  Neo Stone and Maddix Tremayne.  She then shifted her eyes to where Keleana Price was in a row by herself, silently smirking as she looked out the window for getting a spot all alone.  They all were in their early twenties and still in school getting their degrees.  While Neo was a definite extravert and kept everything lively, Maddix - who everyone called Max - was the more reserved introvert.  Yet somehow the two had forged a bond as close together as the one that Sarah and Melissa had with each other, while Keleana was an even mix of both extravert and introvert.  She seemed to be the glue that held them all together as the "Youngins."  She was also something of an expert in the ways of sex.  She had jokingly once told them that she was considering being a sex therapist one day.  However, in the end she charted a course towards a degree as a pharmacist.  It offered more stability, and she was desperate for that as she raised her daughter, Kiva, alone.

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