Master Jiraiya

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Anabel was very warm as she left the Uchiha Compound several hours after the wedding.  The air was chilly but Jiraiya had taken off his dress jacket and draped it across her shoulders.  It was super warm from his body heat but she was warm also from the alcohol she had consumed.  She wasn't tipsy but she was just a step above being buzzed.  The cologne Jiraiya used clung to the jacket and she pulled it closer, drawing in the scent.  God he smelled good.

"That was some dance you ladies did back there," Jiraiya finally spoke.

She grinned up at him, "That was actually Melissa's idea from long before we came here.  Sarah thought it would make her laugh and the perfect wedding gift from us."

"I think we men are the ones who received that gift," he responded in a soft, sultry voice.

"It certainly got a couple of the guys hot and bothered," she agreed before laughing.  "That was definitely off script, but I don't think the girls were put off too much."

Jiraiya was quiet for a while as they walked into the heart of the village.  He seemed to be even more silent than normal.  Anabel was fine with the silence, though.  She was feeling rather peaceful that night and it was soothing just walking with him in companionship.  She was rather pleased that they could have companionship in silence because that was not something everyone achieved easily.  It testified of a deeper connection, one that did not need words.

"Anabel... is there more to your interest in me than sex?  I mean... I'm an old man in comparison to you.  Your last boyfriend is young enough to be my grandson."

She felt her face flush a bit in color at the words then peered up at him.  She laughed softly at his expression, "Oh Jiraiya.  Since when has age ever been a thing for you?  I remember rather distinctly you were hauling off two women from the bar not that long ago that were most likely younger than I am."

"Sex is different than... a relationship," he muttered.

Anabel was surprised at the words and almost came to a stop as she looked up at him.  "Are you saying you want more than sex with me, Jiraiya?"

His dark eyes went down to her, and his hands went into his pockets.  "I do but before I put myself out there completely, I want to know for sure it is something you are truly interested in as well.  I'm getting older, Anabel, and if am going to be serious about a woman now is the time.  In truth, I'm well past my prime.  You are young enough to be my daughter.  If we are together, I fear our age difference might make you feel like you are taking care of an old man."

Anabel was amazed and excited all at once.  She couldn't stop the big smile that crossed her face as she looked up at him, "Of course, I'm interested in that.  Jiraiya, you are amazing.  You make me laugh so hard, always have.  You're wise and kind.  You're a blast to be around.  You have a lot to offer.... did I mention you're really hot too?"

Jiraiya laughed at the words and pulled her closer to his side, "So you don't think... long term, I'm going to be too old for you?  That you won't get bored with me?"

Anabel laughed, "Please, how could anyone get bored with you?  You're a riot."

"In that case..." 

She laughed when he shifted the direction they had been walking.  She wasn't sure where he was taking her, but he seemed in a hurry to get there.  If he hadn't been holding her alongside him, she might have fallen a couple of times.  She gave a small squeal when he suddenly swung her up into his arms.

"Jiraiya, what in the world..."

He went up the steps to an older looking apartment building, almost two at a time, before opening the door and carrying her inside.  Anabel glanced around, taking in how sparsely decorated the place was which surprised her because she assumed it was his place.  She wasn't given much time to think about it as he was suddenly kissing her in that way that made her head swim.  She gripped the front of his shirt tightly, feeling his hand sliding up her thigh under the skirt of the dress she was wearing.  The way he was stroking her thigh was sending fire into her limbs, his hands were firm on her flesh.  He shifted her in his arms, her thighs moving astride his hips as he started towards the solitary bed in the room.

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