one. | first day of school

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JACOBS AVE. 07:37am.

NAI HELD UP HELD UP A chalkboard that said sophomore year! with a large smile directed at the camera in front of her. she looked around the relatively nice area she lived in before looking back at her parents who stood behind a camera.

"are you done yet? my mouth hurts from smiling." the girl mumbled the last bit as her dad slowly dropped his camera.

"why so eager to leave, nai? got a boyfriend to meet that we don't know about?" her dad, joshua, accused. "that's probably why you wanted a shorter skirt. because you have a little boyfriend now."

her mouth fell open at the accusation. "what the hell? where did any of that even come from? and you're the one that agreed to buy me this 'short' skirt when we went uniform shopping."

"she's right josh, you did pay for it," her mother, tash, readjusted the baby that hung onto her hip before laughing. "just let the girl go, you know she meets with monica and menai before school. you're being so uptight for nothing."

her dad rolled his eyes at the two girls before taking the baby on her hip. "give me, mo'." he placed a big kiss on the baby's forehead, the baby letting out a choked laugh at the feel of the kiss. "at least i won't have to worry about you dating any boys moe. it's me and you against this cruel world."

he only favoured moriah (which was the babys actual name) because he got to name her. he initially thought the four month old baby was going to be a boy and came up with the name mo. when they found out she was a girl his wife made sure he gave her a feminine name to avoid any bullying in the future and moriah was the closest he could get to mo.

"i'm gonna go now. i'll be home around five or six, bye." she gave her mom the chalkboard and picked up her bag from the floor.

"have a great day, baby!" her mom called out.

"and stay away from any boys!" her dad added.

she waved at her parents in response, the girl walking away from them and connecting her airpods to her phone, tay-k's murder she wrote playing through the wireless buds in her ears.

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nai stood with her arms on her knees, her chest heaving as she panted heavily, the multiple stairs she had just walked up staring back at her. no matter how many times she went up and down them she would never get used to the amount of stairs in menais apartment complex.

she left a flimsy knock on the door, the door swinging open to reveal her friend who stared at her confusedly. "why are you huffing and puffing at my doorstep? come in then, i need to get ready."

nai looked up at the pale girl who stood in her shirt and plaid skirt. she stumbled into her friends noisy home, the loud rock music, which nai disregarded despite it being seven in the morning, clashing with menais mothers yelling.

"morning... all.." she said to no one in particular, half-smiling at all the greetings she got in return. she followed menai into her room and headed straight for her armchair before falling down onto it. "y..your stairs.. so many..." she breathed out.

"the lift is working now, you know," menai said as she carefully placed her blue fitted cap over her hair.

"your cap is so ugly," she muttered. "and you're telling me i took the stairs for nothing.."

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