four. | physics

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"ALRIGHT SO, NEWTON'S THIRD law of motion. can anyone tell me what they know about it so far!" the class remained silent. "come on guys don't be scared to share your ideas! i know we haven't really gone over physics in a while so it may've left your mind, but just give it a shot!"

nai looked around the classroom, most of the students avoiding eye contact with their physics teacher. the brownskin sighed before raising her hand, another hand from the front row shooting up at the same time.

"let's have someone different this time! go on nai, share your knowledge with us!"

"so newton's third law of m—" the door to the science classroom swung open, the sudden entrance grabbing the attention of everyone in the room.

"coach sano?" the old man walked into the classroom, his blonde haired grandson in his hands.

"i caught this one trying to skip class!" he shook mikey by the collar.

"grandpa..." mikey puffed his cheeks out in embarrassment as his grandpa continued to shake him around.

"give him any punishment necessary! cleaning the classroom, washing any equipment, staying behind and helping you set up for your next lesson! do what you must, he needs it!"

"will do. thank you coach sano." she slowly nodded, watching as coach sano walked out of her classroom. "manjiro." she looked towards her student.

"miss jones."

"are my lessons that boring that you feel the need to skip them??" she joked. mikey looked at her with dead eyes before shrugging. "it's fine. i don't think any punishment is necessary since we've just started school. just find a seat so we can continue and please, do not skip again."

mikey nodded before walking through the class, the boy sitting in the first free seat he saw which happened to be next to nai. "nai, do you want to continue your explanation!"

nai played with her pen that had a giant brown fluff-ball on the end as she spoke. "newton's third law of motion says, every action has an equal and opposite reaction."

miss jones grinned widely before taking a marker out of her lab coat and noting down what she said on the white board. "well done nai!" she praised. "i hope all of you understood that because your wonderful, classmate here just gave the simplest answer ever."

nai drowned her teacher out. she slowly pulled her phone out, tapping through her friends snap stories under the table as miss jones spoke. she knew enough about newton's third law of motion.

"oi! nai!" a voice beside her whispered.

"yes mikey." she whispered back, a video of mikey and a blonde with a long braid laughing behind the bleachers by the football field appearing on her phone, the caption reading ''ken-chin decided to take edibles now look at him'.

nai snapped her head towards mikey after reading it. she tried to inspect his face but failed after seeing the hood that covered it.

"lemme' copy your notes. and i need a pen." nai responded by pulling his hood down, mikey quickly pulling it back over his face.

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