three. | club sign-ups

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THE TRIO STOOD OUTSIDE their schools gym. they barely managed to get through their first day of school and were now going to the club signups that were taking place in their schools sports hall.

"wait, i gotta' text my mom, she wants to know what time i'm gonna' get home." monica said, stopping the two girls from entering the gym so they would wait.

"if you're not gonna' go inside get out of the way?" a voice said. "do you not understand english? move."

nai was the first out of the three to notice the boy behind her. she was mainly surprised monica hadn't heard the way he spoke to them and said something back.

"a please would've been nice." nai mumbled as she moved out of the way, pulling menai, who had her attention focused on the skateboard in her hand, away from the doors.

he stopped as he was about to pull the doors to the gym open. the boy was short, white-blonde hair falling over his face that had a very prominent burn scar on it.

"then next time stay out of the fucking way." he spat, his eyes twitching in irritation as he walked into the gym.

the violence in the cuss word gained monica's attention, their face screwing as they looked up from their phone."who the hell is he cussing at?" they looked up at the blonde. "watch your damn mouth."

"i didn't stutter. stay out of the way." he responded, ignoring monicas comments as he walked into the gym and shut the door behind behind him.

"fucking dickhead!" monica yelled out behind him. "damn it, i wish i was paying attention from the start!"

"i don't even know why he started swearing when he came at me all rude and stuff."

monica pulled the door to the gym open, all the chatter greeting them head-on as they entered it. "you know the people in this school are rude as shit. if i catch his stupid ass i'll give him a piece of my mind don't worry nai but, anyways, should we meet back here in twenty?"

menai and nai nodded. it sounded like enough time to get what they wanted done. "i'm gonna' go over there then." nai pointed towards where a table for the yearbook club was setup, the trio separating and going their separate ways.

her hand started running down her hair, pushing down any of her fly hairs as she walked toward the table. she wasn't nervous just.... slightly shook.

socialising with other people wasn't exactly her thing, she usually left that to menai and monica.

she took small steps as the line she waited in moved forward, her fingers decreasing the volume of her music when she realised she was one person away from the table. once the person in front of her left she took a step forward with a smile, a boy with shoulder length dirty blonde hair standing behind the table.

"welcome to the yearbook club." he started. "we take care of all the pictures and stuff for the school website, the yearbook and memories in general. are you interested in joining?"

"yep!" she said. "i'm nai."

"takuya. i'm vice-rep of the club, it's nice to meet you." he seemed like the quiet type and nai liked that.

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