six. | keisukes house

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A HAND KNOCKED ON the white door numbered '09' in front of them, the person repeating the action twice more when nobody answered.

they raised their hand to knock on the door once more, their fist failing to reach the door when it suddenly swung open. "why the hell are you pounding on the door like that?" a tall brownskin said, her black braids (which went all the way to down to her thigh), swaying behind her as she led him into her home.

the tall brownskin was modesta, the first child monicas mother had birthed.

it was a rare occurrence that kazutora ever saw the girl due to that fact that ninety percent of the time he was there she was hiding out in their loft (kazutora had a very obvious crush on her which she did NOT want to entertain), one-half of it being the 'bedroom' she ever so loved and the other dedicated to monica's art and fashion work.

"nobody was answering... but my bad. is monica here yet?" he asked, making sure he took off his shoes and left them by the front door before following after modesta. " you're looking as beautiful as ever by the way." he added, a cheeky grin on his face as he awaited a response.

"in their room." she mumbled, ignoring his little comment as she climbed up the stairs with kazutora following behind. she turned right after stepping onto the first floor and headed straight for her bedroom stairs at the far end of the hallway.

she walked down the hallway, about to pass door one, when a body emerged from the room, the small child raising his hand and yelling 'stop' at her and kazutora, a fully loaded nerf gun in his hands ready to fire at the boy behind her.

the child was ij, or isaiah junior, the youngest child in the family of five.

the six year-old did his best to look intimidating, his head leaning to the side to get a better look at kazutora. "why are you here, again?" he questioned. "and put those hands where i can see 'em, boy."

kazutora raised his hands up to head. "me and monica are going to see somebody," he mumbled, clearly embarrassed that he had to explain himself to a six year-old.

modesta sucked her teeth, her hand reaching down to hit ij in the head with enough force to knock him down leaving him irritated and nerf-gunless as she took the toy from him.

"nobody wants to see that bird chest, go somewhere," she told him, making sure to shoot him in the stomach twice, the boy screaming and waving his arms around in an attempt to protect himself.

she quickly walked towards and up the stairs that led to her room, "and you aren't getting the gun back!!" she yelled from her the confines of her bedroom, the door slamming shut earning a scream from ij.

"i'm gonna get it back in blood, watch out!!" he yelled back, grumbling under his breath as he got up from the floor.

he stared at kazutora who just stared back at him, his opening his mouth to talk but closing just as quick. he could only imagine modesta was still listening to see if he would continue to harass kazutora.

he would leave him for now.

"i'm telling imir on you, modest'!!" ij yelled, his hands shoved into his pockets as he walked back into his room. "and you! go away! you're already a lame-o for coming to see monica!"

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