seven. | tenjiku

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MENAI SLAMMED THE the car door shut, her bookbag slung over her shoulder as she walked over to the drivers seat window. "thank you for dropping me to school." she quickly bowed.

her aunt nodded. "i couldn't allow you to be to late to your speech and debate club so make sure you study hard today. school is important." she reiterated for the third time that morning, menai making sure she kept her facial expressions to a minimum as her aunt spoke.

the lady was very annoying.


"kamura!" a voice interrupted, shouting at her as they 'jogged' over to the car. menai didn't have to turn around to figure out who it was that called out her name, her last name nonetheless, but both her and her aunt turned to see the person, menai rolling her eyes when she saw coach sano speed walk over to them just as she imagined.

he slowed down when he reached their car and stood next to menai, his left arm going to rest on the rolled down window as he spoke to them, "kamura, i didn't know you had a sister." he said with a cheeky grin, his wrinkled face tightening when he winked he at her.

menai scrunched her face up in disgust. she couldn't even call whatever the hell was going on, flirting. it was just.... weird.

her aunt, if the evil lady was even able to respond in such ways, smiled bashfully, her hand playfully slapping his arm, "oh stop! i know it's shocking but, i'm her aunt!"

it wasn't shocking at all. the fifteen year age gap between her and menais thirty-six year old mother was very obvious.

"coach sano!" the arm that he rested on the car window stretched into the car, menais aunt happily going to shake it.

"lisa, i'm menais aunt! it's a pleasure to meet you coach sano. do you teach menai? tell me, is she keeping up with her work?" and there it was. menai thought. her aunts playful demeanour had partially disappeared and she was back to being her normal, school obsessed, self.

coach sanos smile widened, his hand going to pat menais bookbag proudly. "i wish! this girl has the strongest legs i've ever seen in my life but until this day she hasn't showed up to any of my sport teams' tryouts!"

"you know menai, the more clubs you join the better." her aunt nodded towards her. "it'll look great on your college applications."

menai looked down at her phone as she nodded, the girls eyes widening when she saw the time read '08:02am'.

speech & debate started at eight. that was two minutes ago. was peh-yan going to kill her? he definitely he was.

"..are you even listening, menai?" her aunt snapped her fingers at menai.

"sorry but, i'm late for speech & debate, it started two minutes ago." she quickly answered, shoving her phone in the pocket of the hoodie she decided to wear that morning.

"oh, don't let me keep you. have a great day at school, study hard."

"thank you!" menai yelled back, the girl using her 'strong' legs to run to the speech and debate club room.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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