five. | science club

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ANGRY AND NAI WALKED into the just about empty science corridor, nai trying her hardest to tone down her excitement as they walked to where the club meeting was taking place.

"so, what subject are we focusing on today? chemistry, biology or physics? please say it isn't physics.. i just had physics i can't do it again."

angry looked at her. "i don't know. miss jones never said."

"if luck is in my favour today, which it should be, we'll do chemistry." nai looked up towards the ceiling with her hands interlocked. she really did not like physics.

"this is the room we're gonna be using this year." he pointed at the door that said science lab 13 before pushing it open. as nai walked into the room she noticed how packed and loud it was, the lab overthrown with freshmans, sophomores, juniors, and seniors.

"i didn't know so many people liked science.." she mumbled as she followed behind him. "honestly, the amount of people this year is really shocking!"

"most people are probably here to have fun or to hang out since, apparently, it's a fun and welcoming club."

he stopped at his and nais usual table (a table in the back left corner of the lab) and picked up the goggles and science coat that rested on one of the two seats.

he quickly put the lab coat on and then the goggles, his hands going to push them back so they rested on his now flattened afro.

"you're forehead is still large, Goddamn.." nai suddenly uttered as she put her bag down. no matter how many times she saw it, she could never resist the urge to comment on how big on it was.

angry hands froze, his neck slowly turning to face nai. "my what."

"hm? i didn't say anything." she smiled at angry as she dug through her bag

"you called my forehead large.."

"i did not! you're hearing things!" she waved him off.


"souya..." nai turned her head to the side, her eyes peaking at him from the corner of her eyes as she smiled.

"whatever. put these on." he handed her a pair of goggles and a lab coat. "you'll need it for whatever we're doing today."

nai put her bag on the back of her chair, her fingers pulling her rings off one by one until there were none left. she dropped the small pile of rings in her hand, as well as her bracelets, in the front pocket of her bag before putting the lab coat on.

"do you know what we're gonna be doing..?"

souya shrugged. "some sort of experiment."

nai pulled the goggles over her two large buns, the goggles resting on her face as she smiled. "do i look bill nye science ready or what?"

"uh... yeah."

"alright guys gather around so i can explain what we'll be doing today!" miss jones yelled grabbing the attention of all the club attendees. once everybody gathered around her large table she pulled on her goggles. "i suggest you all do the same! it might get messy!"

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