two. | money to be made

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MENAI FOLLOWED MS TENSHI into the reception, her hands shoved into her pocket due to ms tenshi forcing her to leave her skateboard in her locker.

ms tenshi led her into the principal and vice principals office waiting area, leaving menai standing awkwardly by the seats as she lightly knocked on principal tachibanas office door before poking her head in.

she slowly closed the door and turned to face menai. "it seems the principal is yet to return from breaking up the fight," she started, "but no worries, when he returns and asks why you're sitting out here you tell him the whole truth!"

if she seriously thought menai, the straight A student, would willingly rat herself out to the principal she had lost her damn mind.

"i would tell him myself but i have other matters to attend to." and with that, ms tenshi left the seating area and returned to her office on the other side of the reception.

menai fell onto the seat furthest from the principals office and took the phone which had been pinging off in her pocket for the last five minutes out, every single one of the notifications she had received coming from the groupchat she was in with nai and monica.



sent one attachment.
idk which WHORE told him to cut
his hair but we thank the lord for them
cause he looks fine asf!
yes mr sano!

my bae always looks good🥰
hes the only thing that gets me thru homeroom all these people drive me mad

yk we're doing that thing where we spend the whole first day in our homeroom classes right

we're only gonna see each other at lunch😪

half of me is complaining nd half
isnt since i get to be with my mansssss
mr shinichiro sanoooooooo

well i am
a whole day in homeroom means
a whole day with hanmas ass😒

walk during third maybeee?😆

but y isn't menai texting back
this isn't an a nd b convo miss ma'am

because i'm sitting outside tachibanas office..

NAITRONS laughed at this message.

you bad ass child🤣🤣
shoulda just walked off like i did fr

NAITRONS loved this messaged.

"excuse me! why are you sitting outside of your vice principal and principals office whilst on your phone! do you know how rude that is?"

menai immediately recognised the naturally loud voice as their principals and didn't think twice before shoving her phone in her pocket. "sorry, sir."

she looked up at her principal who stared at her distastefully before walking across the seating area and towards his office, a group of three lost-looking boys, and a shorter boy who was hidden behind the three boys, walking in half a second later.

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