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Chapter 03| Home?

"Your kiss like broken glass on my skin"

- Remind Me to Forget, Kygo

𑁍 Nova 𑁍

We get to our room and I'm thankful to find the brothers gone. Only Emilio remains sitting on one of the beds he gets up when he hears us enter

I grimace thinking he'll yell at us and feel guilty for getting Rune in trouble but Emilio's eyes are concerned.

Maybe it's an act. Shut it Nova

"Hey, you alright?" He hesitantly asks fidgeting with his rings

I realize I'm staring at him when my brother elbows me. This mothertrucker I'm gonna beat his ass. I clear my throat and look away

"Yeah I'm good. Just don't appreciate being ambushed" I say

Please help me, is what I want to scream

"Oh yeah, I'm really sorry about that. The boys came with me as soon as we heard from social services and we thought it'd be a good idea if I went to pick you up alone so that you wouldn't feel overwhelmed but they got a little impatient. They really just wanted to meet you they meant no harm" he explains

My heart tightens. I'm sorry, I wish I could meet them without freaking out

"Okay" is what I really say, my eyes sting

"It's just...foster system. Makes you wary of people, men specially" I add trying to give some sort of explanation without really saying much and give him a short, forced laugh

It comes out more like a snort and a dying bird. That makes no sense you dumb chair

His eyes fill with concern once again and I wince.

"It's fine don't worry we just learned to be careful" Rune says. Emilio wipes his palms on his pants and nods

"Alright we'll uh be more careful, I'll leave you two to it. Rest, I'll come get you at 7am tomorrow" he says and I notice the way his voice shakes

Has he been this nervous all night and I was too wrapped up inside my head to notice? I'm such a bitch

"Thank you, see ya" I say

"Thanks, have a good night" Rune says and closes the door after Emilio gets out. I let out a huge breath and throw myself on the bed. The cards are nowhere to be seen

A couple of shirts and shorts are on the bed and I assume they're for us to sleep in. How in the world did they know my size?

They probably cleaned while I was having my mental breakdown.


Despite all I complained about Rune's snores and uncomfortable ways of sleeping, I'm all bark no bite. I only feel safe sleeping beside him

Even when it means having to smother him with a pillow to shut him up and push his huge ass butt away from me every hour

"You ready?" Rune asks after we showered and dressed with the same clothes as yesterday.

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