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Chapter 13| Too far gone

"Be my help, be a savior who can
Unbreak the broken
Unsay these reckless words"

Train Wreck,  James Arthur


I stare at the notebook for what feels like hours after Emilio leaves my room. After I yelled at him for trying to help me

It makes me hate myself even more, makes me want to crawl out of my skin but it's a necessary evil.

Cadence's notebook holds so many answers but I just can't bring myself to keep reading it. I hear her voice in my head when I read her words

I feel the familiarity of her speech and personality through it, and it feels like reading a sad book knowing the ending will tear you apart

I know the ending. She dies and I live when it should've been the other way around

"Gracey?" Rune calls, his voice muffled from the other side of the door

"Come in" I say defeated, not even bothering to hide Cadence's things. My head falls back on the headboard and Rune comes in with Milo in tow

They both throw themselves beside me, Milo nudges my hand with his cold nose and lays his head on my lap

"Did Santiago do something?" Rune asks resting his head on my shoulder. He's asking because everyone heard my outburst minutes ago

"He didn't do anything but try to help, I didn't yell at Emilio because of him" I say, knowing Rune will drop it

"What's that?" He asks pointing at the notebook, I sigh

"I know you'll be angry that I hid this but I just wanted it to myself for a bit...but I can't handle it anymore Rune" my voice breaks

He sits up and grabs it carefully, even Milo seems to have tensed

"It's Cady's notebook...she knows who hurt us that night. The accident wasn't an accident, and she seems to know exactly who and why they did it" I say

Rune's eyes widen and he shakes his head, opening it on the first page "How far did you get?" He asks and I show him the page

I then summarize those first few chapters for him "I want to know what happened but I can't keep reading Rune, I just can't" I whisper

"I'll read it, I promise to tell you everything important" he grabs my hand

"I feel guilty, it was intended for me to read. It feels like I'm betraying her" I say but my twin shakes his head, telling me she would've understood

We snuggle up, Rune's reading the pages and I'm watching TV when one of the guys knocks and enters without waiting for me to say he can come in

At first I think it's gonna be Eli but it's Emilio who enters, looking tired and conflicted. Rune closes the book and looks at me, waiting for me to tell him if I'm good

I nod and he gets up to leave, "It's alright, son. I just need to have a few words with your sister" Emilio says when Rune gives him a weary, warning look before leaving

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