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Chapter 24| The dark side of falling

"Like I river, I flow
To the ocean I know
You pull me close
Guiding me home"

  — Falling like the stars , James Arthur

☾ Rune ☾
Day 8

I knew before I even got out of bed that today was gonna be a bad day. I was right...not only was Eli lying in a pool of blood by his bedroom door, we also received a call from NY Springs

Nova was going to be allowed to make a call any day now, so dad answered excitedly. But it was her psychiatrist telling us she had a set back — or how she called it: a small bump on the road

Apparently it was some fight with a girl named Mercy. We didn't get any details, we only know there were fists involved so her phone call was taken away

And Eli...he went out last night to Blair's bar. Got stabbed on his way out of the bathroom and didn't think it was too bad. Not wanting us to see him, he tried to get to his room and sew it shut by himself

But he'd lost a lot of blood and passed out before even going in

"Do we know who it was yet?" I ask Raf. He lays back on the couch rubbing the exhaustion out of his eyes

"Yeah he was easy to find with the cam footage, I just had to make sure he wasn't part of one of the Mafias. That would've made this a whole lot more complicated" he sighs

Not to mention we've sort of put Cadence's diary and everything about the night of the attack on hold until Nova is back on her feet

We've still got a lot of shit to cover

Raf explains it was just some tug from one of the minor gangs, Eli got into it with him and fought because the cunt slapped the ass of the girl Eli was drinking with

The guy obviously was knocked out during their brief punch throwing and he took it too personally, going as far as stabbing Eli when he least expected it

It was a fluke, just some minor incident compared to everything else we're supposed to be dealing with.

"You're gonna glare at me like that all day old man? I'm worried you're gonna turn me to stone any minute" Santi calls out to our father, who's still a bit too prickly about the 4L incident

Luc and I exchange glances. We're still waiting for him to blow up again about it

"You better hope I turn you to stone and not do ya worse" he answers with clenched teeth. His glare could melt concrete

Eli, as if sensing trouble from upstairs, takes the opportunity to come down from his room. He's got a slight limp and he holds his bandaged side with his hand but he shows no pain in his expression

"Come on, just lay it onto me already. What's the punishment? No cars? Jail time?" Santi guesses, the wait has been killing him

Dad smirks and that kind of smirk makes me shiver. I pull Milo closer to me and scratch the back of his ears while we wait for dad to drop the bomb

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