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Chapter 22| The final fall

"All I want is to flip a switch
Before something breaks that cannot be fixed(...)
But God, I wanna feel again"

Touch, sleeping at last


"Breathe! Nova breathe!"

"Sir step away, please"

"No! Breathe angel come back. Come back to me"

The first thing I feel is the pain on my ribs, they feel like they've been crushed by the weight of a truck

But that's it. I can't feel my body at all, but I can hear. I hear Emilio's desperate screams and excruciating sobs

If I live, I don't think I'll ever forget the sound of it. I don't think I'll ever forgive myself for being the cause of it

There are more voices, voices I don't recognize. I feel weightless as I'm moved. Towards a car? An ambulance maybe

But as hard as I try, it's impossible to open my eyes

"Don't leave me. Please fight, Nova, please. I need you"

I'll try, I say. But I know the words don't make it past my throat before I'm dragged down by the darkness again

I dream of a woman with hair as white as the moon and eyes so stunning they make me gasp. A woman with skin so smooth and bright she looks like a goddess.

"Go on little Angel, go back and shine brighter than the stars" she whispers with a warm smile. I reach for her but she's too far

"Come back!" I scream but she's gone...and so am I

"...cking rip your throat out if you try to make us leave again" 

I moan in pain as I try to move, try to open my dry eyes

"She's waking up"

"Try not to move star"

"It's okay, take it slow"

I hear their voices, clearer and closer each time as I slowly gain consciousness

I open my eyes but they close back up, it takes me a couple tries before someone turns off the light and I can finally open them without feeling like they're burning

It's all blurry at first but then I'm able to focus on the person to my left

"There you are" Rune says softly. I just blink, making his small smile turn down

It takes me a few seconds but I manage to move my sore arm towards him, he chokes on a sob as his shaking hand envelops mine

"Oh good you're awake!" I jump, startled by the loud voice. The nurse saunters in with my file to check my vitals

My heart still beats fast, I was not ready to be scared like that. It makes me cry for some reason

I hear a grunt, Rafael gets up from his seat and ushers her out, closing the door despite her protests

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