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Chapter 18| Losing control

"I guess all the mountains that I moved just weren't enough..."

Walked through hell, Samson Seabra

☾ Rune ☾

"At least she's talking now" Lucas says with a grimace, trying to see the bright side

First thing we see as we enter the club because Blair called us? Our sister locking lips with some guy, then walking around in her bra

When Blair called he said he was chasing her with a sweatshirt and every single person in this club was laughing at the scene while my sister laughed and taunted him like a toddler

Until he gave up and she decided to let a guy put his lips on hers

We see her again as she talks to a man old enough to be our fucking father. Great

"Lord save us all" Rafael mutters before we spread around, making a circle around her. It's like catching a loose bunny, you gotta block every possible way out

Emilio got distracted with breaking some dick's jaw for recording Nova when we came in, it gave her time to find her next conquest apparently

Why are there so many people out late on a Thursday night anyway? Must be because of the band Blair hired for tonight

"Gotcha little star" Eli says as he grabs hold of her and throws her over his shoulder

"Go back to dancing, scene is over!" Blair yells at the crowd. He leads us to a back room, Eli puts my sister down on the couch and I barely jump out the way on time as she pukes all over the floors

"Oh for fucks sake why is it always me getting puke all over my clothes!" Santiago groans. He — unlike me — wasn't fast enough

"Gotta learn her tells, she never warns me in time before throwing up" I say earning a playful glare from him

"How much did she drink?" Dad asks Blair, who deserves a medal for not cowering under his gaze

"From me? Half a dozen shots and a Jungle Juice, I replaced everything with water after that. She might've gotten something else from the group she mingled with" he says

"You should've cut her off sooner" I say and he raises his eyebrows with a laugh

"Hey I'm not in charge of her, she is responsible for how much she drinks not me. I only cut her off because she's Eli's little sister. I wouldn't have cared otherwise" he says

"Next time call me as soon as she enters the place got it?" Elías glares

"Knowing you, there won't be a next time this happens" he answers

He's right, I don't think we'll let her out of our sight for the next few days. I just hope she'll be less easy to lose with five more sets of eyes besides mine

Nova groans from the couch with her eyes tightly closed, Santi is crouched before her with a wet cloth to her forehead.

"I'll pay for any damage she may have caused, the drinks too" Elías says taking out his wallet, Blair smiles

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