~Chapter Twenty-Six~

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"Jadia get ya ass up you don't hear that alarm clock!" Donte shouted bursting through the door waking me up. Groaning I rolled over to turn the alarm on my phone off. I flipped to the other side of the pillow, and layed back down.

"You not going to school?" I tried to ignore him due to the severe migraine I had from crying myself to sleep.

"Nah." At that I rolled over tryna go back to sleep. Today was Friday so I decided to play hooky. All the events from these past few weeks came to mind.

I missed my friendship with Lexxi I knew that this was the end for us were both too stubborn to apologize. In this situation I feel like I really shouldn't have to and if she feels the same then maybe we really don't need to be friends anymore.

As for my relationship with Bibby I really didn't know where we stand. From what I hear he not worried about me especially him being on the road a little more.

  I think we should get some things clear at this point. its too many feelings flying around, and no titles.

Unable to go back to sleep I got up out the bed heading to the bathroom. I turned the shower on letting the water heat up while I wash my face and brushed my teeth.

   Today I was gonna go back to my house to get more clothes, and maybe clean up the place a little.

I stepped in the shower letting the water take me in for a second. My bones felt unbelievably stiff under the steam. My peace was interrupted by my brothers yelling back, and forth. Sighing I rinsed the little soap that I had on me.

"Ughh what the hell!" I screamed down the stairs. I went back to turn the shower off and grabbed my towel to wrap around me.

Heading towards the stairs I pulled the towel closer to me. There they were in the living room arguing.

"There she go!" Jordan yelled pointing at me.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked annoyed.

"We we talking about your boy Fredo."

"You know I really don't have time for this bs I gotta go home and get some stuff." I told them.

"Why yo ass just don't stay there duhhhh!" Dontè asked.

"You know what I'm leaving." I stated heading towards the steps.

Heading in the room I had no clue on what I wanted to wear, and no clue of the temperature so I just grabbed just about anything.

I found some black sweater leggings on the floor and threw it on. I grabbed a red tank top out the top draw.

"Shit!." I laughed at myself. I had forgot to put on some underwear. I had to run back to the dresser to get some panties any one at that. I ran to the bed, and took my phone off the charger while grabbing my black purse.

Heading to the stairs I checked my phone No missed calls and no text messages damn...

"Bye." I said going to the door. At the door I slipped on my red and white moccasins with my white and black jacket.

When I got outside I saw a paper under the windshield wipers. I took the paper from the wipers reading carefully.

You are too naive in life. Sweetness is your weaknesses. You trust too many people keep in mind not everyone has your best interest~

I read the note over again tryna figure out who's hand writing this could be.

Getting in the car I pulled my phone out my bra to call Kristina. I put the phone on speaker as I pulled out the stupid Driveway.

"Heyy girl why you not in school today!?"

"Bitch after all that shit that went down and some more after I got home hell no fuck school now."

"What happend now Jay?"

"Girl I really don't wanna talk about it right now." I told her.

"Ok so what you up to now?"

"Heading to my mom house to clean, and pick some shit up."

"You got plans for tonight it's Friday and I wanna go out!" Tina asked.

"Nah I never plan anything just do whatever why you got sumtin in mind?"

"Not really."

"Well i'm turning into this gas station so ima hit you back later."

With that we said bye. I went to the pump swiping my brother's credit card of $25 on pump 4. I don't know why they trust me with the cards like really. After pumping the gas I closed the tank up carefully cus last time I forgot to.

I got in the car to hear the news had come on. I almost passed out when I realized they were talking about the shootout we was in yesterday. Apparently in the mist of it 3 innocents was severely injured.

I sent a quick prayer up thanking the
lord that I wasn't hurt, and the people shot weren't killed. I hope they would be okay. Even though I wasn't doing the shooting I still held some guilt inside.

At the stoplight Singing to my song. I see Mya bald ass driving up next to me.

   She looked at me rolling her window down. I saw her lips moving but I couldn't hear her, and I wasn't bouta roll my window down for her she wasn't worth my time.

I happend to see this big ass lump on her forehead from me and I burst out laughing in her face. I got myself together only to start dying again.

She drove off flipping me the bird. For the rest of the ride to my mom house I was distracted by yesterday events.

Entering my neighborhood I had mixed emotions. A part of me missed being there the other part reminded me its not the same anymore .

Once I started pulling up to the house I then realized My mom truck was there...

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