3 🤍

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Y/n Pov
My heart was racing . Just the thought of messing up in front of this mark guy had already made me quite worried , I don't normally panic over small things like this but I had less than 24 hours to prepare! I still didn't know why I was chosen over every single person in the WHOLE school. Nervous or excited? My mind wasn't sure.
I began to text Molly about this situation.

Molly 🤍🦈
I'm so nervous m , I actually can't function properly sshvddjifddji
Oh my god y/n you are gonna be fine. You know your school . Hopefully... - m
I do! I'm just scared I'll mess up. They told me less than 24 hours in advance!
Just do it you will be fine! - mm

End of conversation
16:32 ( 4 32 pm )

Y/n pov!
" ohmygodiamsonervousrightnowicantaaah" ( oh my god I am so nervous right now I cant aaah )
My words were muddled up and switching places with each other!
My outfit was planned ,
Alarm set ,
Phone charged ,
All ready to sleep for the night later!
6:45 pm
Mention about fire and dying ahead I'll make a second option to read in case of the triggering mentions!

Wilbur is staying somewhere away from home for a week to plan our meet-up that I was so nervcited about!
So I could cook meals with no worry about  dying to fire or the place burning down! My life would be safe and free!

Tw over!
2 nd option
Wilbur is staying somewhere away from home for a week to plan our meet-up that I was so Nervcited about! So I could cook meals with no worry about loosing our home to the heat of his cooking! My life was free and safe for a couple days!

I made tea/dinner just scramble eggs and bread nothing much! And water! My nerves aren't as bad as they used to be like earlier. Talking about my problems to others or just to a book or the air calms me down by letting it all out of me and to someone who can easily solve the issue and help me! I wondered if mark played mine craft and I would love to see them play!

The clock strikes 10 pm , after being on my phone and cooking I thought it was time to rest for the night.
I hope Mark is nice!

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