5 🤍

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After the Tour!

Ranboo pov
" hey darling- "
Before I could even finish my sentence, I saw a tiny flush of red rush up to y/ns face.

- I was thinking we should come to my apartment for a bit! "

Y/n of course said " I would love to! "

" is it okay if I change to more comfier clothes I live like 20 minutes away from your apartment complex! "
- heavy rain begins to fall and you both hear a thunder strike-
Y/n just looks and says " on second thoughts I think I'll be okay! "

Third person pov
🤍 ( quick )
Mark lives 5 minutes away from the school but they still decide to run so they wouldn't get too wet and scared by shocks of thunder.

They arrived and Mark told his mum/mom about what they were doing.

Y/n pov
We got to his room and noticed he had a gaming setup , I asked him if I could play mine craft if he had it and he accepted
I look for hypixel but saw " dream smp " I turned . My mouth the lowest it could be.

" er are you okay darling?" Mark said blushing formed on my face.

" WILBUR! That's my brother . Wilbur Soot! "
" ghos-" he got cut off
" don't even say it " I got him off.
I have to pretend that they aren't doing a meet-up and that I know almost everything about it and that I'm going too . Hard.
We both just start laughing his laugh was perfect .
And so was he.

Mark pov
I completely forgot about her brother situation in the next 10 minutes I was having fun with y/n.

I started a stream and told her she could join and obviously she said yes! I found out streaming was a big goal of hers but people would only know her because of the name Soot. Wilbur Soot.
" Do I sit on the floor? " she chuckled as she questioned.
" I mean you could but you could always sit on my lap?" (An is that sexualising I have no idea help)
Y/n looked nervous but she did it anyway. She found out I was Ranboo.Mr. boo , Ranboob and boo were the only nicknames I would get called now.
Face cam was on so chat was obviously spamming

@Ranbooswindowcleaner ( idk okay ) : OMHOMGOGMGM
@mollypog : YALL SEE THAT
@userjsjsjsjsjs : I SAW THAT SHIPSHIPSHIP

I asked mods for emotes only for y/ns privacy and respect. She was controlling the game, bedwars of course, she was actually decent at it! In the camera that I had you couldn't see on stream but I wrapped my arms around y/ns waist and pulled her back and hugged her after the victory! chat was normal mode

@poggingthroughpanik : awwww
@yourmomsa : Well done on the victory y/n
Then chat starts getting loads of comments suggesting a QnA!
Y/n was comfortable with doing it so I was,
It started questions from donations TTS ( text to speech)

"When did you guys meet?" A robotic voice says.
I just moved to a new school and y/n was implied to do a 5HOUR TOUR! SHE EVEN RUSHED IT- "

Another TTS
" does y/n have a twitch or does she even stream? Love you lots!"
I nudge y/n to answer
" oh yeah! It is a goal of mine to start streaming but I don't wanna just gain off ranboo then I'll be hated in the community lol. So hopefully you'll see me at a me- "

Y/n stops before she exposes the meet-up plans.

Another hour goes by and I end the stream heading to bed.

Mum 💜🤍
" do you want y/n to stay over?"
Mark 🥰🥰
" really? Thank you so much
I will ask her now! "
Mark 🥰🥰
She said yes and her brother , who she lives with says ,
It's fine so yeah ❤️

670 words!

wilburs sister || ranboo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now