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Just explaining rooms to get a better image in your head.
Y/n pov
I finally decided it was time to rest, I would probably have a long day tomorrow anyway. I walked up 2 floors of stairs and finally made it to my room , that was shared with Niki and Puffy , I sat in my bed and before I could even think about anything I was already asleep.

I heard chattering going on so I assumed it was morning. I rubbed my eyes to get a little more awake and sat up.
" Morning y/nnn " Niki smiled dragging out the last letters.
" good morning " I replied as my eyes blinked a few times.
" Everyone is arriving today! aaa Hannah and minx!! " puffy said jumping around.
That kinda made me less tired.
" let's match outfits! " I suggested.
" yess! Like a trio! " puffy agreed
Niki nodded. Us 3 entered our closets and decided on: green blue (dnf) and turquoise/cyan. We were like the ocean trio!
We headed to our bathrooms and did our routine , took a photo for our wall and smiled and left the room. While the other 2 were probably on the 2nd staircase , I had to grab my notebook so I could finish some more rooms! I tried going as fast as I could to catch up but i was a little behind. Ranboo came up to me and greeted me
" Good Morning y/n " r/m
" why have you got a notepad? " r/m
" Oh! It's just for memories and descriptions of some of the room in this huge house! " y/n
" That's cool , can I join you on your room journaling " r/m
" yeah sure! "
He grabbed my hand and we ran up to the 4th floor , more interesting rooms! " you wanna take a photo? " he asked me while holding the camera up , " yeah sure! " I replied with blush showing. * snap * he had his hand around my waist and my hand was near the start of his shoulder.
" so where should we go now!? " y/n
" I heard there was a movie room on this floor so let's goooo! " ranboo had an exciting tone this morning.
We sat in the seats and I flipped to a fresh page and looked around. There's  bowls of different candies/sweets in coloured order , a popcorn machine that made my mouth water , a huge lift up screen , a vending machine which had different drinks and snacks to choose from. This place was huge. And obviously, like any other room it had a camera. Me and ranboo took a photo sitting down next to the l.e.d lights by the entrance. This was gonna be so fun!
" now what other rooms does this place have" he said as we stood up and left the mini theatre.
We went to the next door that was on the opposite side as the last one. The merch room! It was huge and also colour order. He also kept his Mcc coins in that room. The walls were white with a lime wave swirl going all around the room , and racks had labels on from when he dropped the merch item, his coins were there and the dates he hit those milestones / goals , honestly this room by far was my favourite l never thought about how much dream cared about his fans and his goals , his water bottles stayed on a counter , the hats were on head mannequins on shelves above to racks.
" woahhh " ranboo was shocked and so was I , on the wall at the front it had a huge screen showing dreams subcount on YouTube.
" this is my favourite so far " we both said in sync

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