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" I mean , that seems super exciting! " ranboo said hopping on his bed.
" yeah it does especially since I've been 'acting' since I was younger " I replied quoting the acting.
He put on Dreams new manhunt. We watched it together as the room filled with tension and concentration due to the intensity of the video! I hear talking around me and chair moving but I take no notice of it because of how focused I am on Dreams gameplay.
" oh my god! He did it. " ranboo says in shock , both of us were amazed on how he didn't die since they were very close!
" wow , I gusss he is really one of the best minecrafters " I said laying back down.
That sound of a clock and a door opening reaches in my mind again.

A bell rings.

" Marlie!! " Kassie nudges me as I realise I'm in History class.
" It's lunch! Have you even payed attention? " they asked.
I looked around the room , not even noticing I had been daydreaming the whole entire time.
" sorry I was daydream- " I tried to explain but I got cut off.
" For almost an hour! Daydreaming for almost an hour! You are lucky we're at the back of the classroom Marlie , You could've gotten detention! We have only just started the new
year!" Kassie replies in a kind of mad tone. She puts her things away with double the amount of revision because of my accidental dream.
" Okay okay I'm coming" i rushed still thinking about how real that felt.
" You better come quick you have got to come to introduce yourself to the new guy , Mark and we have drama next class and acting lessons! "
They said tucking in our chairs as I put my empty notepad and untouched supplies away in my bad.
" Are you auditioning for Normalise it? " Kassie asked me as we walked out the classroom
" Erm I might if you encourage me enough " I replied. The name sounds familiar , This cant be real.

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