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Should I start naming chapters??

Y/n pov
17:54 ( 5 54 pm )

I headed up to Ranboo room that he , tubbo , Tommy and purpled shared.
" Hey y/nnn! " ranboo said dropping his phone on his bed as he stood up.
" hiii ranboooo " I replied spreading my arms out suggesting I wanted a hug
" I think we need to speak to tubbo , he's been messaging me non stop " he said hugging me for a short amount of time.
" alright let's go! " I pulled away and grabbed his hand. We went to the streaming room and went to the door that had tubbos name carved on it. Ranboo knocked and I let go of his hand . He looked at me and looked a bit sad " when can we tell them? " he asked looking down because he was turning red.
" I mean you can tell them whenever you want pretty boy " I Said having a slow heat rise to my face especially my cheeks.
" Aww that made you blush pretty girl " also having a bit of a blush.

Tubbo pov
( do you see where this is going eh eh more series spoilers 🥳! )

We ( as in film directors and the series crew ) had basically been planning this whole thing for about 2 days and didn't leave my setup room unless it was important or for the group! We had basically gone with option 2 since we had already worked on the intro , the title , description and character roles!

" come in! " I shouted spinning my chair to face my door.
" Hey tubbo! You said you wanted to speak to us? " Ranboo said closing the door.
" Oh yeah! So basically you know how you both , we'll kinds just y/n LOVE acting. " they both hummed in response
" So I and Wilbur have been planning to get you guys your own series. You guys might need to go back to the UK or stay in Florida or the US longer but it will be all for a good reason! " I answered smiling.
They both looked at each other y/n had heir hand over their mouth and Ranboo did too. " you will have other actors with you too don't worry! "
" It's called Normalise It! Y/n you will be a character called Faye El'Meia ( L Mia ) and Ranboo you will play Noah Crux! Hope you guys like it!! "

wilburs sister || ranboo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now