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( to the recent drama , I won't be talking about minx , shlatt, fundy , niki or techno for a while . Even if you don't think they didn't do anything wrong I still don't wanna write about them till it's sorted or something gets better for 1 or more of them. )

We looked at eachother and
he shouts
" last one there has to sing a bad song at the karaoke! "
We both race down the 3 flights (?) of stairs. We both make it to the hallway to the room at the same time. Both looking at each other.
" ICarly.. " I mumbled
" yep.." he replied in the same tone and volume.
Wilbur came up to us " it's been like 2 hours? Where have you guys been? " he was really confused , I guess he didn't check instagram today.
" we were just exploring some of the rooms! Check insta " I replied I was smiling so hard. Wilbur laughed I guess hiding my smile look wasn't pretty.
" Are we still doing the singing event tonight? " ranboo asked crossing his fingers. Was I about to embarrass myself , yes. Is it because of a race? Yes. But is Ranboo gonna embarrass himself too? Yes! He ( ranboo ) and Wilbur went to get food as I looked for dream. " Hey George? " I said while making my way to him. He tilted his head. " Do you know where Dream or Hannah is? "
" The last time I saw Dream was in the kitchen and with Hannah in your room or heading her way to the little lounge area! " He answered also walking towards the kitchen. I spotted dream and started walking a bit faster. " Hi dream! Are we switching or changing the rooms tonight since everyone is here?? " I asked.
" I'm glad you reminded me! You can call me clay and yeah before we start the karaoke I'm gonna tell you all the rooms! " he replied with a smile. I am kinda hoping I'll be with Hannah or maybe the other younger ones! Even though Niki and puffy are really nice I do have a closer friendship with the others!

- after lunch :) - 3pm

Me and ranboo decided to stop looking at rooms for now and actually talk to some of the people. I finally spotted Hannah! " Y/N!"

wilburs sister || ranboo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now