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We went back to walking.
" you know you and ranboo." Puffy started
" yeah?? " I responded
" how do you guys know each other even though you haven't met? " puffy asked.
" Well he's new to my school and i got asked to give him a tour. Obviously. That means we have met!"
When I said that you could hear Niki gasp.
" then after I went to his house and played mine craft and later saw that his name was Ranboo and he had the smps link."
I continued
" and I later found out he was Ranboo! " I smiled
We bought lots of snacks ingredients for BAKING , noodles and so many more random things! We did the " he's in your bed" challenge someone actually said it back! We also talked about future lore if I get added , seems weird but I hope I do the people on the server are so nice. Well the ones I have met.
My phone pinged in the pocket of my jacket

Wilba 🤍
Hurry up with the food we are hungry

- x -

puffy paid so me and Niki kept calling her sugar daddy... the laughing continued as we talked about bedwars. Niki dream about dream was a highly spoke about topic in the conversation, she convinced us that is wasn't true. We didn't get convinced. But we all continued to laugh about some stupid stuff even when we arrived to the big place. They had locked the doors so we couldn't open the doors.
" I- " Puffy said confused
" y/n did you just walk into the door? " Niki could barely even ask without dying of laughter
I was basically crying at this point.
" Y/n you have your phone call someone" puffy demanded. But she burst out laughing seconds after.

"Mark 🤍✨"
" OOOOOO a heaaaaart " puffy and Niki whispered at the same time.
I just looked at them and tilted my head down.
" immature-" I tried to say before getting interrupted by a echoing laugh , I'm guessing that was those 2 again.
* Calling Mark 🤍✨ *
" hello? " m
" hi we are locked out " y/n
You could hear Niki n Puffys laughter from the other side.
" o okay , I'll open it now " m
You could hear the noise of giggles from outside the door.
Niki was on the floor and puffy was crouching down.
" guys- " I tried
I forgot to hang up
* Mark🤍✨ hung up *
He opened the door and his face was just in his hand. On the right hand he was recording for a vlog. We were dying practically.
" alright then.. " he said looking confused and embarrassed.
" this is puffy y/n and Niki in a nutshell. " he recorded.

Time skip 2 hoursssss *
10pm / 22:00
Some more people arrived such as techno , phill , Tommy , tubbo and Callahan! My face kinda heated up when I saw Callahan, he knew me and I knew him , I knew these people due to Wilbur he never stopped talking about them days before the meet-up. And everyone followed my socials so I'm guessing he mentioned me to them too.

dream called us all down to the main area, this HUGE living room. A big giant tv on a wall , I long off white couch with purpley grey tinted pillows , a window that was like a whiteboard - it already had pictures of our meet-up : a picture of me niki ranboo and puffy all laughing as we walked in the house , George sapnap and dream talking , Phil and techno high fiving , Tommy and tubbo facing back to back with crossed arms under their shoulders , Callahan and me sitting down with shocked faces and there were so many more. It was only the first day and so many great moments. So many little details of this one room.
" I will just say the temporary roommates for now. Tomorrow will be official! Phil techno Wilbur , me George sapnap , Tommy tubbo ranboo , y/n Niki puffy and Callahan punz and ponk! I grabbed a snack and a drink and headed to my room with Niki and puffy! I'm so glad I'm with them for now!
" did you see that photo wall? " I asked them
" yeah like that GIANT window , I had no idea people were taking photos of us , seems cool " puffy answered
" you and Callahan tho? You know each other? " Niki questioned glaring at me.
" I'm not sure , I'm guessing Wil mentioned me to him or something because he knew who I was right away? " my head tilted as I informed her.
" meh let's just eat snacks and gossip. " puffy said smirking.
We talked for what felt like not long but it was 2 am!
" so yeah , apparent EVERYONE is coming tomorrow. " N
" this place is huge so I don't think that would be an issue " y
" lol we will defo need more food. " CP
" is there a room of 5? I wanna be with Hannah and minx too! " y
" the bedwars stream was so fun , hopefully we can be together " n
Puffy pointed to another window , it wasn't that big but we could still fill it with photos.
" hey! It has a camera , so i think that is what we are supposed to do! " n
We all did the f boy face and laughed at the Polaroid printed the small copy. I grabbed some blue tac and a pen , stuck it on and wrote ' the boys are in the house ' we all laughed and kept posing.
The 3 of us quietly tiptoed downstairs , making sure to not disturb anyone. I took my journal with me so I could write some more features about the house. It was huge so it had everything. Swimming pools , TVs, gaming rooms , sauna , huge kitchen , relax room , AN ART ROOM? and some many closests , these 3 months were gonna be so fun.

I walked into the Swimming room. ( I will fully describe a lot of rooms so- )
It had a mini changing room just a small one so we could quickly get changed , lockers? , towels , which were the most understandable thing here , bathrooms , dream had a lot of things in this closet pool balls ( no- ) and toys (I-) , then we had the pools! There was a medium sized hot tub that was currently turned off , a pool that was a rectangle but really big , some chairs were at the free space near some windows , a small pool that looked very relaxing just to sit in or be on your phone. I walked out loosing that humid air on my skin. It is 3am and puffy and Niki were probably back upstairs , my journal looked pretty full said I decided to just finish my writing later.

- long chap
1110 words!
Thank you for over 500 reads!

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