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I woke up to my alarm
I forgot that I set that. 9:45 I looked over to my left to see the rest of the girls asleep.

* texting *

Ranboo 🤍🖤

Are you awake?? - y/n
Yeah why? x - ranboo
Do you wanna go to the park or something - y/n
alright get ready and I'll come to your room <3
Okay <3

Ranboo pov :

I woke up to tubbo shaking me with my phone in his left hand.
" what tubbo " I said with a deep tone.
" get ready quick quick!! " tubbo whisper shouted.
" why it's too early for this " I rubbed my eyes.
" you're taking y/n to the park!! " he said handing me my phone
" what the hell tubbo. "
" you said you had feelings for her so I think it's a perfect moment!! " he explained.
I mean I do have feelings but it's only 6 days in the meet-up and I wasn't prepared. Even though it's august the sun was still rising.

Y/n pov. <3
I picked out an outfit.
( if you don't like it you can imagine something different 🤍 )
I got white jeans and a purple top that was scrunched near the middle with some black dc.martins. I also grabbed a jacket just in case it got windy. I brushed my hair and did my normal routine , brushing my hair and grabbing my phone off my bed.

Ranboo 🤍🖤

Are you ready? <3 - y/n
Er yeah I'll come to your room now <3 -ranboo
Alright :) - y/n

I heard someone knocking on the door quietly. I opened it and of course it was Ranboo! I hugged and he hugged me back. Good butterflies , I didn't wanna let go. For a few minutes the world felt muffled , I'd here an alarm every now and again but I just ignored. Hopefully it wasn't a sign for anything bad. We let go , I looked up at him - both of us had a blush slowly painting onto our faces. Before we left ranboo told everyone where we were on the Smp meet-up groupchat! We ran down the stairs holding hands and making it to the door , I unlocked it and we ran to the local park with our hands locked together .

There was this tree with a few planks that you could sit on. Fairy lights were dangling from branch to branch , letters carved into the trees log with hearts or other shapes around them and so much more stuff. This area was like something you would see in a movie or on Pinterest. There was a camera here. It feels like I'm dreaming.

" wow.. " - y/n
" this is magical " ranboo
" I know right " y/n

Ranboo pointed to a set of branches that could be used as stairs. One higher than the other on opposite sides. Left then right left then right left then righ... I was started to loose track of my thoughts.
He climbed the branches quite fast. I got up to the third step and ranboo put his hand out it was only one step left so I took his hand I lifted to the top.
I layer my head on ranboo laugh and he would look down at me occasionally while playing with my hair. I felt relaxed. Even when talking or in a comfortable silence. It was great. So great it didn't feel real.

" hey y/n "
I hummed to signal yes
" erm can we talk "
Even if we weren't dating or even close to that this sentence still gives me paranoia and bad feelings. My mind felt polluted with bad thoughts and what ifs but I just had to say " Sure! What's up? "
" so ever since we met I've had really strong feelings for you. I don't know how to tell you so-"
I got my head off his lap and hugged him. You could feel his smile , my polluted negative thoughts had washed away and I felt content and safe in his arms. " I like you too ranboo " I whispered in his ear.

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