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You'll have to excuse my terrible front cover, I tried my best but I'm a better writer than I am a graphic designer, haha.

So, welcome to the bonus book, let me walk you through what it contains.

The first things you will find in this book are story summaries. Each main book in the Ego Sickness trilogy were not released close together. "A Message to Scott Cawthon: Reimagined" came out in September of 2019, "Afraid of the Dark" was released in January of 2021, and "Fractured Reality" was released August of 2021. Because of the gaps in between stories, I have created summaries of each book. This way, if you want to read a certain book but can't remember what happens before it, you won't have to read an entirely different book first. There are two types of summaries:

Simple summaries provide a basic and brief overview of each chapter of each book. If you just want to jog your memory of what happened and don't mind missing out on the minute details or references, then read these summaries.

In-depth summaries provide a detailed and expansive overview of each chapter of each book. If the small details and little pieces of lore are important to you, and you don't want to miss any of them, then read the in-depth summaries.

[TBR] Each of the antagonists in this story worked in different ways, but they all had similarities too. Who had the harshest methods? Who was the most willing to take things to a place no one else would want to? Who was the most dangerous? What were their weaknesses? Who was the best villain? There is a chapter designated to answering these questions, so that you can choose for yourself who is the worst of them all in the best way possible.

[TBR] The Ego Sickness Virus... what exactly is it? How does it work? Why does it work? Why does it work differently for different people? How did it start? Can it end? Does it target certain individuals? Why doesn't it work on certain people? Once again, there is a chapter designated to answering those questions. If you don't understand how this virus works, want to know details about it, or want a more rounded answer to what this thing is than the one which was given in Fractured Reality, then read this chapter.

In some situations, while writing the various books in the trilogy, there were situations where I had to choose between different scenarios to write, thus changing how the story progressed. Although I am pretty happy with how the story line turned out, there are still definitely some alternate ideas that I would have also liked to have written. So, throughout this bonus book, there are a few chapters showing how the story could have gone, along with an explanation as to why they were not included within the main story line. So, just to clarify, none of the alternate scenario chapters are canon to the main story line even though they are still in the same universe.

[TBR] There are also a few alternative perspective chapters. These are canon to the main story line, but just come from the perceptive of different people to get a another character's reaction and point of view to some of the more intense situations within the game.

[TBR] Finally, the ending chapter is pretty much the final goodbye to this series. My thoughts and opinions on how it went, my reaction to seeing people reading and interacting with the story, and so on. This series has come a long way, considering it started as a result of a forfeit from a lost dare and now contains three books with over 15,000 reads and 500 votes. It would be wrong to just drop this and dip, so I'd like to make this Chapter to give that final farewell to an experience which – for better or for worse – I'm going to remember for a long time.

Usually at the beginning of a book, I would put all of the warnings and trigger cautions in the first part of the book. I will be doing the same here, too, but in some of the alternate scenario and perspective chapters, there may be additional warnings there too. But in general, the warnings and trigger cautions that you need to know are the following:


· This story has no "professional" association with any of the YouTubers in this story. In other words, they had no input in this story.

· The people of this story are in no way accurate representations of the people they are in real life. They are nothing more than characters adapted for a story setting, based off of fictional scenarios presented in horror games and commentary of the YouTubers within these books.

· This is not based off of real life events, only off of a fictional videos and scenarios. Do not try to recreate any events from this story.

Writing Note Warning:

I know that a lot of people use italic writing for different reasons, so here are the four things that I use it for:

· The first time I use the name of something that isn't a person or nickname (like a company name, a game name, etcetera).

· Sound effects.

· An empathised word.

· A thought (a general thought of a character, or a character reading something in their head).

Note that there are common shortening of phrases used throughout the book:

· AMTSC:R - A Message to Scott Cawthon: Reimagined.

· AOTD - Afraid of the Dark.

· FR - Fractured Reailty.

· ES - Ego Sickness.

Trigger Cautions:

· Censored Swearing.

· Violence.

· Gore.

· Character Death.

· References to Mental and Physical Disabilities.

· Borderline/Actual Mental or (rarely) Physical Torture (courtesy of alter egos hell-bent on ruining the lives of people).

This is a strange book in the sense that you pretty much get to chose which parts you want to read, and the rest can be left unread without posing any sort of issue. It's like a pick'n'mix but with words instead of sweets.

So, enjoy, and I will see you later!

- Red

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