Simple Summary - Afraid of the Dark.

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This summary is much longer than the summary of AMTSC:R, simply because the story was almost three times the length. The characters, in order of oldest to youngest, are as follows: Tyler Scheid (Tyler), LordMinion777 (Wade), Markiplier (Mark), muyskerm (Bob), jacksepticeye (Seán/Jack), CrankGameplays (Ethan). The group is described as Teamiplier with the addition of Seán.


Teamiplier arrive in the Brighton (England) after a very delayed flight from Los Angeles (California). Most of the members of the group go to a hotel, but Mark can not because almost all of the rooms had been fully booked due to the fact Brighton was soon to be holding Brighton Pried, a very popular LGBTQ+ event. Mark instead goes to Seán and Evelien's (Seán's girlfriend) house. Mark notices that Seán had thrown out his old diamond play button which appears to be broken. Seán lets Mark inside the house and then takes him up to the guest room. He offers to get Mark some food and drink but then gets transfixed by a standing mirror in Mark's room. He snaps out of it pretty quickly, but Mark does make a note of it.

Chapter One:

Mark gets a message on his phone but can't reply to it as he doesn't have proper signal. He unpacks then goes downstairs to eat and chat to his hosts. Seán is a little reserved and sometimes snappy, and doesn't like to answer questions about how he is doing. They talk about the upcoming events, starting with lunch tomorrow, followed by the pride parades, followed by the journey to Birmingham for a gaming festival called "The Insomnia Gaming Festival" which is nicknamed i65. Mark finishes up and asks Seán if he can get the Wi-Fi password. Seán takes Mark to his office, and Mark spots another diamond play button on Seán's desk. He adjusts its position and gets black gunk on him. He goes to clean it off, but (unknown to him) it had been absorbed into his skin.

Chapter Two:

Mark goes to sleep and wakes up feeling like there is something watching him. At first, he tries to ignore it but then he opens his eyes to see someone standing over him. That someone begins to choke him, and he can't get them off. He begins to pass out, and thinks that he is going to die. However, in the morning, he does wake up to the sound of the mirror in his room smashing. Mark understandably freaks out, thinking that someone must have broken into the house. Seán seems shaken too, and Evelien is very concerned. Seán confirms that no one got in last night, and Mark states that he knew it was real (and he has the bruises to prove it). The group don't know what to think, not knowing whether to blame this on someone sleep walking, sleep paralysis or something else. Mark is worried about his appearance and what his fans may think, so Evelien goes to find makeup to cover the bruises. Seán tries to talk to Mark but Mark is too busy thinking to pay attention. Eventually, after cleaning the mirror up, Seán leaves, just as Mark is trying to ask him something.

Chapter Three:

Mark covers up his bruises and tries to get ready for the rest of the game. He gets FaceTimed by Wade who is with the rest of his friends in the hotel room, all of them worried because Mark never did reply to the message from last night. He doesn't tell them about what had happened, and instead goes downstairs so everyone can talk together. Seán and Evelien appear to have been having an argument when he walks in, but they stop. As the group talk about the upcoming day, Evelien sees BB (her pet cat) and panics because he appears to have gotten a bit of the broken mirror in his paw. Mark ends the call and Evelien gets annoyed at Seán for not cleaning all of the broken mirror up, before taking BB to a vet. Seán feels bad about it, but Mark tries to help him. It doesn't help, and Seán decides to go upstairs, not before asking Mark an ominous question, asking him if he had ever had nightmares about the job they do.

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