Alternate Scenario: AOTD: Takeover (1/3).

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This story is an alternate scenario to the latter section of Chapter Nine and the whole of Chapter Ten from "Afraid of the Dark," changing the actions which Anti takes to fully possess Seán for the first time, making the process in which this possession happens slightly different, and changing the reactions and response of the members of Teamiplier.

There are no additional trigger warnings needed for this alternate scenario.

This is not canon to the story line of AOTD, or Ego Sickness as a whole.

In this alternative chapter, there are a few key differences in the story and setting which need to be specified:

1. In this version of the story, the area behind the stage does not just consist of one room alone. Instead, there is a larger area consisting of multiple rooms which are the lounge (the "backroom" from the canon chapters), the dressing/makeup room, the storage room and the toilets. This is important for reasons you are soon to see.

2. In this version of the story, the group know what they are going to be doing before they go on stage, whereas in the original story they did not find out until the stage show had already started.

3. In this version of the story, Anti's powers are slightly more advanced, and he can cause people to go into a trance by simply getting them to listen to his static for a prolonged period of time (whereas in the original book, people have to directly look at the static).

Quick writing note in case you have forgotten. When characters are in a scene together, I sometimes refer to them as "older" or "younger" depending on who they are with. The six main characters in Afraid of the Dark, oldest to youngest, are as follows: Tyler, Wade, Mark, Bob, Seán, Ethan. Now, on with the alternate scenario!



"I mean, it's out of season, but sure! Why not?" the youngest member of the group stated cheerfully as he looked between his friends with a joyful smile. The six gaming YouTubers were sat in a circle like formation on a set of worn out and dusty grey sofas that surrounded a circular rug, inside of a square room that had light blue walls and a strange orange floor. No one could decide whether it looked good or bad. The area was lit up by artificial white light from strip lamps above, along with three large plasma TVs that were allowing the group to see live footage of the main stage outside, even though they were in one of its backrooms. Ethan glanced back down at the sheet of paper in his hand, skim reading the safety warnings in order to find the place where he needed to sign his name. They had all arrived in this room half an hour early, so aside from these papers, there really wasn't much else to keep them occupied.

"Out of season is an understatement! This is literally the first day of Summer, Halloween is months away," Wade chuckled.

"Is that the excuse you're using when you lose?" Bob said with a sarcastic smirk, looking to his side as Ethan handed him the singular pen that they had to use between them.

"Ooo, someone's competitive, aren't they?" Wade crossed his arms and grinned at the younger man with a raised eyebrow. "I didn't know pumpkin carving was such an important sport to you!"

Bob shrugged and shook his head with a smile as he finished signing his health and safety contract before passing the pen to Tyler. "A man's gotta keep his titles, right?" the eldest man said with heavy sarcasm, rolling his eyes before he scribbled his signiture on the dotted line of his paper.

"See! Tyler gets it!" Bob stated with an air of victory.

"What titles?" Mark laughed. "Last I checked, there's no world championship for this thing!"

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