Simple Summary - A Message to Scott Cawthon: Reimagined.

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Youngest to oldest, Lewis (Dawko), Ryan (8-BitRyan), Baz (Bazamalam), Will (of DAGames) and Rhys (Razzbowski), who can be referred to as the "Quad-Squad," travel to an English amusement park called Alton Towers, where they plan to have a relaxing three-day holiday.


After multiple delays, the Quad-Squad arrive at Alton Towers, with Lewis having reportedly felt sick causing him to fall asleep in the car. Their bags are searched, and Lewis's bag contains Five Night's at Freddy's (FNAF) masks and parcel tape, but none of the Quad-Squad realise this.

Chapter One:

The Quad-Squad go around the amusement park, going onto different rides and partaking in different attractions there. On a water ride, Ryan laughs at Baz after he gets splashed with water. In revenge for this, Baz holds Ryan in place while they go under buckets so that Ryan would get drenched. Lewis helps with this, but uses much more force than needed, hurting Ryan. Only Ryan knows about this, but he says nothing.

Chapter Two:

After lunch, the Quad-Squad go to their accommodation which is a cabin in the woods. The tour guide who was in charge of taking them there gives them a short tour, then leaves them to their own devices.

Chapter Three:

The Quad-Squad split up to try the different things inside of the cabin. Lewis goes to try the hot tub, and Will comes to check on how he is doing. Lewis asks Will to take his vlogging camera inside, and as a joke, Will pretends that he is about to drop it into the water. Lewis gets irrationally angry but later passes everything off as a joke of his own. Ryan sees what happens and asks Will if he thinks there is something "off" with Lewis, to which Will says no, despite the fact he doubts that answer.

Chapter Four:

Lewis falls asleep in the hot tub, causing him to slip into the water. During this time, he has a vivid nightmare in which he is trapped and is slowly drowning while people watch, jeer and laugh at him. Baz finds Lewis sunken into the water and drags him out before he truly drowns. Because of what happened, the group debate whether they should continue with their evening plans (to go and eat at a restaurant), but ultimately decide that they will because Lewis doesn't want to be the reason why they miss out. Will doesn't think this is a good idea.

Chapter Five:

The Quad-Squad travel to, and arrive at the Roller Coaster Restaurant, where they sit down to eat. During the meal, Lewis suddenly gets extremely nauseous and rushes to the toilet. After waiting for him to come back for ten minutes, Will goes to check on Lewis only to find that he is practically about to pass out. They leave the restaurant as quickly as possible to get Lewis back to the cabin.

Chapter Six:

Lewis feels extremely guilty about having ruined the day. The Quad-Squad all go to sleep with difficultly. Ryan stays awake longer, trying to theorize about what was wrong with Lewis. When Ryan wakes up in the morning, Lewis is awake too, and has drunk far too much coffee than is healthy. Lewis seems very jumpy and nervous around Ryan, almost scared of him at some points, but at one point he completely zones out. When he comes back around, he threatens Ryan and orders him to not say anything to anyone about what had happened, then seems to forget about the whole thing.

Chapter Seven:

Everyone else wakes up, and Lewis seems much sprightlier, suggesting that he and his friends should go back into the park resort and try some minigolf. The group agree to do so after breakfast. Ryan tries to tell Baz about what happened earlier that morning but gets cut off. Eventually, he tries to talk to Lewis again, who acknowledges that something is wrong with him but requests that Ryan lets him wait until after the holiday is completed to talk about it, so his friends can enjoy themselves without stressing about him.

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