In-Depth Summary - A Message to Scott Cawthon: Reimagined.

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Youngest to oldest, Lewis (Dawko), Ryan (8-BitRyan), Baz (Bazamalam), Will (of DAGames) and Rhys (Razzbowski), who can be referred to as the "Quad-Squad" travel to an English amusement park called Alton Towers, where they plan to have a relaxing three-day holiday. Alton Towers contains different areas. One is Alton Towers itself (the castle that the resort is named after) along with the rest of its gardens and grounds. There is obviously the main amusement park too, with all of the roller coasters and water rides, as well as the places to eat and buy things. Then there are the various accommodation areas, with one being the Enchanted Village. This is a set of woodland cabins set relatively far away from the main resort.


After multiple delays, the Quad-Squad arrive at Alton Towers. Baz drove, and originally, Will, Rhys and Lewis were in the back with Ryan in the front. However, Lewis starts to appear very travel sick, so Ryan offers to trade places with Lewis. That way, he can sit in the front where he can make use of the front seat air conditioning. Shortly after switching seats, Lewis falls asleep. This is due to a mixture of him being exhausted from everything he had gone through the few weeks prior (as explained in a Bonus Chapter of Fractured Reality) and also due to the direct affect of his alter ego, causing him to practically pass out. However, to his friends, it just looks like he has fallen asleep. Once they arrive at Alton Towers, Baz wakes him up. Lewis seems a little delirious. The group exit the car and grab their bags from the boot, with Lewis seeming very reluctant to let his friends look at his bag. He begins vlogging, like was previously arranged with his friends, with Will picking up on how he isn't making the video with the same energy and enthusiasm which he normally does. They pass through Alton Towers security, where their bags have to be checked before they are sent to the accommodation which the Quad-Squad are staying at. In Lewis's bags, there are four Five Nights at Freddy's masks and parcel tape, all of which would later be used in the ransom video made at a later date. However, there is nothing inherently wrong with these items, so the security guards allow them through.

Chapter One:

The Quad-Squad go around the amusement park, going onto different rides and partaking in different attractions there. Lewis seems unaffected by the roller coasters which goes against the previous chapter in which he was apparently travel sick/motion sick. At one point, Rhys plays a basketball game and is allowed to choose a prize to take with him. He could have chosen a portable phone charger or batteries, which would have been very useful in later chapters (Chapter Nine and Ten) when people's phones were not charged when needed. However, he chooses a plush toy of a Pokémon named Charazard. Very cool.

On a water ride, Ryan laughs at Baz after he gets splashed with water. In revenge for this, Baz holds Ryan in place while they go under buckets so that Ryan would get drenched. Lewis helps to keep Ryan in place too, but uses much more force than needed, hurting Ryan by digging his nails into Ryan's wrist. This is obviously due to his alter-ego's effect. Ryan doesn't have time to react to this, because he gets drenched by the water buckets. When everyone is getting off the ride, planning to find something to eat, Ryan hesitates a moment but then overlooks what happened, for now.

Chapter Two:

The group have lunch, but Lewis doesn't order anything, stating that he is not hungry. This is because for the past few weeks, whenever he had tried to eat anything, it normally would not end well, and he didn't want to throw up in front of his friends. But of course, he doesn't tell them that. Will and Baz feed some ducks. The ducks drag a piece of bread away, reportedly to, "never see the light of day again" which is a moment of foreshadowing considering Baz's fate.

After lunch, the Quad-Squad go to their accommodation which is a cabin in the woods. Lewis and Ryan both sit in the back of the golf kart which drive them there, and Lewis can tell that Ryan is uncomfortable but doesn't know why, having not realised what he did back on the water ride.

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