In-Depth Summary - Afraid of the Dark (3/3).

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Continued from part two of the In-Depth Summary of Afraid of the Dark. This section contains Chapter Twenty-Six to Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Finale, along with the Epilogue, the bonus chapter "The Lost Files", and the bonus ministory "The Decent".

Chapter Twenty-Six:

The group of three go to the bathroom which had contained the needles in the sink. Dark hands over the lighter which Mark had found. Tyler cleans the syringes and uses the flame to sterilize the needles, to ensure that they won't be injecting Seán with any diseases, before he breaks down some of the pills and puts them in the syringes. In total, he uses six pills and gets three needles. Dark threatens the group that if they even dare to try and use one of those on him, they are going to deeply regret it.

Ethan, who's vision is slowly getting worse to the point where he is worried that he is going to go completely blind, asks the group if they can make a detour to help him find something he could use in case he ever gets split up again. He asks if they can find something which he can use as a blind man's cane. Dark is angry they are wasting time, but as he is outvoted, he goes along with it and they go to the basement.

On the way down, they hear Seán in the downstairs lounge, crying. They can also hear static in the background, so quickly work out that Anti is using it to do something to his host. Tyler and Ethan want to try and do something, but Dark says not to, as the Irish man is preoccupied and will therefore not be trying to hurt them for a while.

Dark snaps a broom head off of its handle and gives it to Ethan, before finding a camera which is used in the game to locate the door to the outside area. The camera's flash illuminates drawings on the walls which forms a trail to said door. On their way around, they find a small drawing that seemed to have been gouged into the wall with a knife, depicting a man screaming with a spiral behind his head, while a line of blood has been smeared across his neck which clearly indicates that this is either Seán or Anti in the drawing. There is also the phrase "Can't remember, won't forget". However, Dark – who seems to be in a hurry for some reason – just brushes past this after a brief look and the group eventually get outside.

Ethan acts as the metaphorical lookout by holding up the handle to the door, with the instruction to start making as much noise as possible if he feels something trying to push the handle down. Tyler and Dark look around the area which is encased in fences (which can't be climbed due to there being barbs and spikes at the top of them) to see if there is any way out around the edges of the outside area. There isn't, so they meet back up and follow a path that led from the entrance back into the house and into the centre of the outside area. The path leads to a clearing where there is a treehouse which contains the next steps to finishing Visage, but they don't plan on doing that yet. They look around further, and find a hatch in the ground which they believe to be the way out. It is locked with an electronic keypad, so Dark suggests that they lead Anti back to this area so that the lock gets broken due to his electrical manipulation, meaning they will then not have to complete the game to leave.

They go back to Ethan and finalize the last stages of the plan. They decide that they need to do the following:

1. Tyler and Ethan need to hide in the treehouse while Dark will go and find Anti, leading him back through the house and to the outside clearing.

2. Dark will get Anti close enough to the hatch so that his powers cause the locks to break, and will then call out to the others when it works.

3. Everyone (with Dark using Mark's way of speaking and not his own, as Seán will most likely listen to Mark and not to Dark) will try to get Seán to fight back against Anti. Dark will make sure that Anti does not hurt Tyler or Ethan.

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