A Song Like You

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A/N: this is is probably a whole ass mess and shit, but thank you Kellyrages  for helping me through this fic. also this is one of the longest fics i have wrote to date. so here we are. unedited and a mess. hope someone enjoys this mess.

It's the way he looks at her, straight out of a romance flick. She's everything he ever wanted. Black hair, those emerald green eyes sparkle full of life when she smiles. The shimmer shines so bright when she is in awe of whatever she is experiencing in life or in the current moment that has gathered her full undivided attention.

Her laugh makes his heart jump in beats that are like music to him. If he could just make it a song without her laugh being a dead giveaway to who she is, he would. He would make an album alone based on her laugh. It makes him feel so lucky to be able to be the one that makes her laugh or even giggle.

He'd even use her voice in a song if it meant he could without being unnoticeable. He'd used her in a video before, she fit his aesthetic in the music video. It had worked out. No one suspected anything.

Yet, here on this tour bus if anyone really knew anything she would never be here right now. Her heels that make her legs oh so long, they wouldn't be clicking on the hardwood floor carrying themselves to where he sits on the couch.

She wouldn't be finding her way beside him to curl in next to his body, her head resting on his shoulder like it always does when they aren't both busy or even away from each other.

It's what makes not being public worth it, it's why he hasn't said anything yet. Although, his patience is running thin nowadays with it. Yet, she's his drug. She's his morphine drip that keeps him needing more.

He's in love with her, a statement that he'd said more than enough times to make it known.

He'd scream it to the world if he could. He almost did, he was so close to it before she vetoed the idea.

You see, Lennon or better wise known as the band name Midnight to the public. She's just started her career, gathering the fans she has by her unique talent alone. Her argument is valid. Chris understands, his fans are brutal and the last thing she wants is fans to be saying things about her that are far from true.

If Lennon was as big as he was, she wouldn't be working as hard making a name for herself in this industry. She wouldn't care if the six month relationship was public nature. She wouldn't care the way it looked. Last thing she wants is things to get out, for it to be looked at as she was using the front man for more limelight.

She didn't get this far on that.

She won't let that be the reason either.

She would rather fade out on her own than from that alone.

Chris presses a gentle kiss to her temple, his head resting atop of hers as she sighs with content from the action alone.

"How's the song writing going?"

His arm rubs along hers, squeezing every so often to give her some encouragement in a sense.

"I'm stuck on a lyric. It's like it's there but it's not."

Lennon sighs.

"I have the idea there but it's just not coming to me in the natural way i'd hoped."

Chris smirks, scooting closer to whisper, "How about you let me inspire you?"

He winks.

His hand brings Lennon closer to him so he can press his lips to her perfect plump ones, tangling the same hand in her black hair as she allows him access to explore her mouth with his.

Chris Motionless Imagines / One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now