Clone A ...

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A/N: the shit that pops up on my facebook video thing. well, this brought a very stupid idea. I'm sorry. Also Chris if you ever see this or read this once again, i'm so sorry. hope you get a kick out of this at least. since this whole thing is meant to be funny.

Chris's eyebrow is raised, a cylinder box in his hand as he sits it on the coffee table. Eyes on you as he kneels down to get eye level with you where you sit and are at work on your laptop. He clears his throat, waiting for your attention. When you look up, you spot the box and his eyes reading the back of it. A confused look spread wide across his face.

The fuck would you need this for?

An eyebrow raised as he does so. You can't help but laugh a little. You had forget about that damn thing. It just goes to show that not everything that once ran through your mind stays there. It was some promotion thing and the company sent the box to you. You weren't even sure why, but you had plans to use it.


From the looks of it, it would be today.

Setting the laptop on the empty couch space, you shift to where you can look at Chris better. His eyes now looking up from the box. The permanent bitch face resting there and it's one you have seen on daily basis from the man. One that showcases he very much dislikes something or someone with a great passion.

"The fuck is this?"

He stands to his normal height, his arms crossed. He waits patiently for the answer that is to come from you.

You can't help but chuckle at the tattooed man. You grab the box from the table and flip it over to read the box. Once again laughing at the name of the package. Clone A Willy, one that absolutely is just the funniest tile. If you really remember correctly, you laughed the first time you got it too.

"Why the hell are you laughing?"

He snarls.

"It's not funny! What is this?!"

Setting to the side, you look up to him. Your eyes softened as he still just is stuck with the bitchy look. He doesn't think this is as funny and a part of you wants to tell him how ashamed Michael Scott would be at his missed opportunity of a sexual joke.

Instead, you let it go.

"It's just what it says Chris."

You shrug, holding the package up.

"Clone A Willy."

You can't help but chuckle a little.

He still is not amused. Not like you are.

He raises a perfectly done eyebrow, "Why do you need it?"

"You have mine."

He moves to sit down on the couch, his arms still crossed.

"Although it's not a willy, it's a cock."

Another chuckle comes out.

He still is not amused with you. Not one a bit.

"Why do you have this?"

He can't let it go.

Why do you have it? He just needs to know!

"Chris, it's just that. It's what it says."

Turning the box over, you point to the words written on the box in smaller print. He huffs a breath of air but grabs the box and reads it. Instantly sinking into the couch as he finally pieces it together. The brain cells coming together to actually think.

Chris Motionless Imagines / One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now