I've Been Getting It More Often With Her

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"Oh fuck off Ricky! I am not even halfway prepared and you are already in my face!"

Ricky chuckles and lifts the camera anyway, snapping a shot of you at the white vanity table focused on getting the wing on the eyeliner just right.

"It's just like the damn tour updates! Go bother Chris!"

Ricky shakes his head, "He actually just kicked me out of the room. Said i was making him nervous."

Scoffing, you roll your eyes and sit the eyeliner pen down. Giving

Ricky a death glare as he lifts the camera back up to snap another shot of you.

"I'm going to beat you!"

He raises his hands in the air, "White flag! White flag! I'm going!"

Getting distracted by the brunette little girl with blue eyes tugging on Ricky's pant leg. A smile spread wide as she mumbled about having her picture taken. At least she was able to distract him from you. You need to panic in peace not with a camera in your face.

Ahh, your child is a lifesaver.


Pacing the floor, you chew on the fake gel nail. You aren't sure why you are, well you are sure but it's not coming off and it's pointless. Anxiety is at an all time high as you watch your bridesmaids get the dress out of the plastic bag. All white, pure and it's not the first color choice but it's the one you loved.

Can you run? Should you? Oh god. Oh god. Fuck. Run.

Emery, your best friend rests her hand on your shoulder causing you to look up at her. She flashes a smile, pulling you to her side.

"It's all gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay."

She smiles.

"Just remember, you love him. You really love him. If you didn't, you wouldn't have said yes to him."

Yeah, you know she has a point but it doesn't mean you aren't scared. You really should run now that you really think about it. Have Emery take your daughter and you just make a run for it.

"Hey! Focus. You are gonna marry him because you love him."

You nod, taking deep breaths. She is right. You really do love him. A lot actually and it took a lot for you to cave in. For him to have all of you entirely and you hate how hard he had to work.


You swore you would never do this again. Be in the dressing room of some venue and putting on another wedding dress, but here you are. Hopefully this one lasts. It's not much you can say, you just don't want a second marriage to end. The first one was enough of a disaster.

You had tried so hard to make it work. For the longest time, it seemed like it was. Till the downfall of it, when the man told you his wrong doings. All coming out from the first time to the last time. That day, you swore you would never do this again. He had ripped you and spit you out just as fast.

Chris had managed to sneak his way in. Chris got you to agree with everything and in the next six months, you we're engaged. A couple months later, here you are again. He sneaked his way in with his fucking charm. Asshole. As much as you tried to catch yourself, you fell for that asshole.

Emery grabs your hand, "Let's get you into this dress yeah?"

Sighing a breath of relief when you nod. At least you agreed.

That's a start.


In just an hour, you would be repeating your past only with a different man. One who fully understands you. You feel the pretty white dress being tugged and you look down to the little girl, the very center of your life as she looks back up with a huge smile on her face.

Chris Motionless Imagines / One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now