Prom AU

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A/N: So i have started watching one of my fave shows from YEARS ago since it's on hulu now. So this whole fic is based on one episode of this show. Well, some events are gonna be changed but some tv shows inspire ideas and i'm not sorry for that. I'm also including someone who i have never wrote for. So, this is gonna be either really good or a disaster. Ten points if you can guess who it is.

Chris rests his arm against the lockers beside Y/N's, his brown eyes on the locker door before it shuts and he finds her staring at him. An eyebrow raised with a small smirk on her face. He mimics her facial expression and stands straight again, fixing his black band t shirt from the Misfits.

"Whatcha doing?"

You curl your books to your chest and smile at the man as you reach for his hand.

He takes it gladly and brings it to his lips pressing a kiss to the outer side.

"I was thinking."

His facial expression turns to a more worried one, but somewhere lies the confidence.

"How about we skip the prom?"

He doesn't miss the way your face falls from his question.

"Hang out at my house and chill there?"

You look down and do your best to keep the hurt off your face. Looking back to the teenager, you nod. Not quite sure how to even remotely express it.

"Is that okay?"

This relationship had just finally been official. It was the first time since he had been with you in private that he was willing to be seen with you. After months of wondering and now that you sit here, thinking about it. It almost makes you wonder why you hadn't expected him to pull this.

"Uh yeah. Sounds fine."

You let go of his hand, bringing it back to the books to hold them. Doing your best to fake a smile.

He gives a bright smile, his hope of his best friend not being left behind successful. He nods.

"I'll meet you at my truck in a few."

He presses a kiss to the top of your head and heads to the way where his truck sits parked in front of the school building.

Turning to look where your two closest friends sit by their lockers, always the last to leave the school those two. Somehow always the last to enter, those two girls amaze you beyond belief. Sighing, you head to where they sit and take the empty space beside Hannah.

The school books now in your lap as you pick at the nail polish on your finger nails. Completely ignoring the conversation between the two girls about their life. One you should be involved in but choosing to do otherwise.

You couldn't focus on it anyway.

Even if you tried.


This might be biting you in the ass if you're honest here.

It's just. Well, you have realized what you really are to Chris. At least, the feeling you have gotten at the most. The medium length black hair is the first thing you see. It's also the nerves you feel as you make your way there. It's a gut punch but it's there.

It's when the teenage boy who had recently expressed he likes you turns to face you. A surprised look on his face that he halts his movements. Your hands are shaking as you stand here staring into his blue eyes.
It hits you that this is what you want to do. You don't belong to anyone anymore.

Chris Motionless Imagines / One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now