Loving You Was A Losing Game

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A/N: had an idea and imma just go with it. oops. also don't worry, i'm writing the book as promised. just an idea came to me.

Something had drawn you to the man the moment your eyes met his, you hadn't figured it out yet. Not even now. The moment you had met him, something just clicked. He had made you feel different. Nothing compared to anyone else. He had became the only person you had thought of at night. The first thing in the morning and you genuinely were excited to see him in the mornings, to hear his voice.

From childhood, you had always believed in fairytales. In some twisted fate, you had believed it. It didn't make sense, but when had life ever made sense?

He had became the person you had grown close too. Found yourself leaning on more and more as the months and days went by. He was just Chris. Never Chris Motionless, not to you. He was the goofy man with a sassy filled attitude who looked out for others. Had thought of others before himself, his go to laughter was dad jokes.

Every other sentence some sexual remarks or that's what she said jokes, it was such immature thing but it made you laugh. Seeing that genuine smile on his face, it made better. Twice as good and seeing him even smile and hearing his laugh, it made things better on a bad day.

He was everything you hadn't ever seen hit you the way it did.

Not till he had came to you, a night where he needed a friend. You had been there as always. He needed to just be heard. It wasn't often anyone saw this side of him, broken, and upset. It meant the world to you that he would show that to you. He would show this side meaning he had let you in. He trusted you.

He had talked, asking for advice. Giving it as you heard the situation. It just happened, he kissed you. It should have scared you. Startled you, but instead it made things hit sudden realization of everything hitting you. The things you had tried to brush off.

You had a crush on him.

And from the way he had kissed you that night, he had confessed the same. The way his hands had tangled into your hair desperate to hold you in the place he wanted the most, against his lips.

The sparks had flown that night.

It had made it so much more real.

His words spoken, it never had been more perfect. The way he had been towards you. You fell for him so hard.

He had spent time with you, always. Never once was there a time where he wasn't with you unless it was his job. The thought of you being apart from him, it hurt. Maybe it did to you, you aren't as sure.

He was just always there, arms wrapped around you.

Or holding yours, it was just perfect.

It was him.

He had been that rock in which you will forever be grateful for. He had been the best thing that happened to you, he always had. He was your best friend, He had been that. He was just there. Not much you can do to explain it.

Nothing ever could.

He had put you on this pedi stool, always made you feel wanted, adored, made you laugh and chuckle. He made you feel completely his. Nothing would ever change that. He had said that. No one ever would take that place for you.

From the way his eyes were on yours, the intent behind them, the way they just looked. You believed him. He had always expressed that.

It's what makes things worse and why it hurts so much now.

His focus on his phone, earphones in. Music blasting in them so loud. It can be heard from where you sit. His long black hair framing his face but you can see where he is focused at. It had been like this for a few weeks.

Much too long for you, if you we're being honest. He had been distant. Not really acknowledging you as much. Every so often getting a kiss in passing but it was never much else. He didn't even care to be near you anymore.

It had made things worse and tense.

Even the guys avoiding you, it was difficult to process.

It didn't make sense till that day.

The day where the one who once had held his heart on a silver platter showed up. The same exact smile he had once given you to her. His hand resting much too low for your liking, it made the feeling in your chest change to hurt. No longer warm for him, but the pieces of your heart had shattered.

His eyes find yours, frowning at the look of hurt on your face. His hand coming to rest by his side.

Things had clicked that day for you.

It had been everything that had made sense.

He had followed you to the bus, behind you and begging to talk to you. The way he had looked at her, it wasn't the way he looked at you. It wasn't close to the same. It made it twice as hard to understand.

Although you did.


His hand closes around your arm, turning you to face him. 

"Come on, don't be like that. It's not anything. Not like that."

You shake your head, jerking your arm from him. The memories flooding you like an ocean. The way waves crash around, it hitting you like you hadn't even been the one to experience any of it. Some sort of movie before your eyes.

"You know, i was wondering why you had been acting distant."

You turn on your heels.

"Why you were always on your phone here lately."

Chris steps closer to you, but you step back.

"You didn't love me Chris."

His brows furrow, "I do love you."

He takes another step to you in which you take one back, "No."

"I was just a means for you."

You sigh.

"A way to the pass the time for you. I was a supplement for her. A mere distraction for everything she ever was."

You look to the man.

His eyes wide as he looks at you, realizing his mistake and where things had gone wrong. Where he should have been more by your side.

"It was never me."

You sigh, once again.

Never did you ever think you would be the one to do this. That you would be here.

"It could never be me."

Chris frowns, "It is you. I don't want her."

Raising a finger to him, refusing to hear anything from him. You had saw the end before it all. You hadn't ever expected the end like this. It was never supposed to be this. You believed it was this one. He was the one for you.

But it's the way his eyes light up around her, "It's not me."

Shaking your head, "As soon as you see that, it'll be better."

He doesn't understand.

"Chris, just let this go. I'm not here as a distraction for you anymore."

Chris Motionless Imagines / One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now