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"It's perfect."

Smiling, you look up to Chris finding his eyes are locked to yours.

A smile spread ten times wider. The chosen song playing in the background for the first dance. Even in all black, not the usual for a wedding.

"You're perfect."

The fairy lights are perfect, giving it the small amount of the beauty. Chris's presses a kiss to your nose and leans his head to rest on top of yours. The moment one he never thought he would ever see after his last girlfriend, who made sure she tore him up to the point he couldn't take it.

God, how he wishes he found you sooner. He could have loved you longer and more than he does now. His love would be twice as much as it is now. It would be forever and not on limited time. His lips find yours, gentle and sweet. The room is quiet even with the closest friends and family around.

It's still like no one is the room, no one is even here at the wedding that was absolutely rushed but you two couldn't wait. It probably looks strange, like you and him fucked up. Everyone probably thinks you are pregnant. You aren't, not that you aware of but it's just a feeling. This one is gonna last.

You knew it the moment he slid the ring on your finger at the altar. It's the unspoken bond you had craved for the longest time. It would practically be stupid to pass it up.


Chris turns on his side looking over to the body laying beside him, is this heaven? This is heaven. He is at peace for once in his life.

He is in nirvana. He smiles at the tattoo on your shoulder, his last name there. Shifting towards you, he presses a kiss to the tattoo.
Sighing, he is content. He is just happy. He is ecstatic. He is every single emotion but the bad ones. A hand wraps around your waist to pull you flush against him, the puzzle pieces are matched perfectly. Everything is alright.

Resting on his arm, he presses a kiss to your check smiling at the marks on your neck and chest. A couple more kisses, he would kiss you to death if he had the opportunity. Your kisses a drug and he is addicted to them. He knows he shouldn't be.

Frowning, you don't wake up. He really wanted to do a night cap. He just wanted to give the family to you, the one you deserve. He always did want a big family. Pressing a kiss to your forehead, he slips out of bed and slids on his pants heading to the kitchen.


Chris leans against the doorway, watching you still asleep at noon. He knows you should sleep, but he is just wanting to hold you. Study all the details of you again that he knows already. Walking to the side of the bed, his hand cups your cheek and runs till he looks down to your chest.

It's not moving not like it was this morning. There isn't any sign of pain or uncomfortableness on your face. He doesn't know what to think and he stumbles to grab his phone from the table in the living room. His hands shaking as he dials 911.


Chris's knees cave from underneath him hitting the hard floor. No one from the band able to hold him up. He isn't sure what even did this. All he knows is this is a bad dream. It's an awful dream and when he wakes up, it will be over. Doctors and nurses tried to save you, but you had died mere minutes before Chris had found you.

They tried and they tried, Chris tried to save you by screaming at them. Three days with his newlywed wife was not for him. It wasn't enough time. It was too short. He doesn't want to say goodbye even if he has too.

Chris Motionless Imagines / One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now